View Full Version : Hi - glad to have found this site

09-07-08, 22:34
Hi everyone,

My name is Jerilyn and I will be 40 next week (yahoo!)

During the past 10 years I have been to so many doctors that I've actually lost count. I have been diagnosed with Anxiety,Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Gastritis, GERD, Hiatal Hernia and IBS. Needless to say, I'm in alot of pain.

Last month I got this really bad spasm in my back which I'd never had before. It got so bad that I thought it might be a kidney infection just based on where the spasm was. I ended up going to the ER to get it checked out. They did a urine test and found a little bit of blood so they thought it might be a kidney stone. They did a CAT scan and the good news was...no kidney stone. The bad news is that they found a "bi-lateral pars defect in L5" which basically means a fracture of the facet joint in my L5 vertabrae. I asked the ER doctor how that could have happended and he immediately asked me if i was in gymnastics when I was younger. I said YES for about 10 years. He said it probably happenend then and I might have recently lifted something heavy which cause the spasm, thus aggravating the fracture. He gave me a prescription for some pain meds and suggested that I follow up with a spine doctor. Well I went to a spine doctor and he said that this type of fracture does not require any type of surgery (thank god) but that I need to start doing some core strengthening exercises and perhaps start physical therapy. They do have a chiropractor in their office so I am going to go see him today. I hope that he can give me some relief because my back (although much better) is still hurting alot.

I've been having alot of anxiety over this because along with everything else I am dealing with I now have back pain. I've also been having some chest pain but I think that is being caused by being so worried about all of this.

I'm really glad to have found this site and I am looking foward to meeting/chatting with you all,

09-07-08, 22:41
Hi Jerilyn and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-07-08, 23:00
Hi Jerilyn

I'm new to this site,I too am struggling with anxiety wont bore u about that,but i hope i can help about your back.At 26 i perferated one of my discs in my lower back very painful but one of those things(at least i didn't need an op).I'm now 33 & for the last 2.5 years i have suffered with my facet joint on my right side,they say it could have had something to do with my disc in the first place(i have my doubts).I now use a chiropractor every now & then & it really helps alot.You do need to strengthen your inner core muscles to support it,this will help you when bending or doing sports.Also i,ve just started taking a natural tablet called rosehips it's meant to be very good for your joints.Since mine first happened i,m still playing football & golf so don't get too down about it.
p.s My chiropractor says use an ice pack on it 20mins on 60 mins off.

Hope any of the above is of any use

09-07-08, 23:23
Hi Jerilyn

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people on here and get loads of help and support.

All the advice you need is free on the website pages here so have a read and good luck

09-07-08, 23:31
hi and welcome to nmp u will get some great advice and support here and meet new friends too xxx

milly jones
10-07-08, 16:35
hi jerilyn

a warm nmp welcome to u hun

glad u found us

milly xxx

12-07-08, 15:48
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx