View Full Version : i hate the negative thoughts!

10-07-08, 00:33
it is so frustrating to fight every day to not let the negative/frightening thoughts get the best of me. i have been on medication and in therapy for over a week now, and i do feel less anxious overall, but these fears about my health are still there. i am trying to keep them under control, but it is hard, especially when i feel any twinge of pain in my head. i know this is a process and i am not going to feel back to normal overnight, and that maybe i never will, but i just want my life back. i feel like panic, anxiety, fear and depression have stolen it from me! :mad:

10-07-08, 00:59
Im afraid all I can do is agree with you, its stolen my life on and off for 24 yrs, I hate the thought of dying which is my main problem and yet wake in the night and first thing in the morning thinking, oh no here goes again :lac:

Ive had good bits in between though, am I meant to be greatful for them :unsure:

10-07-08, 01:30
Keep fighting, find what makes you happy and stick with it. There's definitley something that does. Family, Friends, activities, working out. I found that working out works for me, but I still struggle with drinking and controlling my anxiety it's a constant battle, but my problem is that I think I'm wierd for being anxious, but in reality it's normal I think,