View Full Version : so many symptoms

10-07-08, 08:44
Hi all,

I'm in my 3rd week of taking meds for anxiety and am finding it really difficult to deal with, I seem to have side effects coming out of my ears and trying to cope with my feelings awell is wearing me out.

I have pains in my chest, constant stomach ache, headaches, shaking limbs, burning in my head at night mostly but sometimes through the day and yesterday while i was in my mums car I came over with burning, pins and needles from head to toe it really scared me was about to scream at her to take me straight to the hospital :weep:

Im scared all the time that im dying of somthing terrible which is not helping the situation at all.

I really need reasurance that the feelings im getting will get better in time and that im not going crazy.

Can anyone help! :weep:

Sarah xxxxx

10-07-08, 09:25
Hi sarah,

I'm sorry you are not feeling good at the moment, just wanted to send you a hug :bighug1:


10-07-08, 09:37
Hi Sarah

I have had these symptoms on and off for about 7 years now.
It does get better trust me.The doctor put me on Seroxat and i stayed on them for 4 years and decided to come off them around 2 years ago.
I was silly cos i just came of them with no help and it took about 2 weeks to calm myself down but i felt great.Now i have just started with them again and cannot understand why as i have nothing to worry about.Maybe that is why it has come back.

It will get better for you, i know it will

Take care
Big hugs:bighug1:

Cathy V
10-07-08, 09:47
Hi sarah. sorry you're having a bad time just now. You dont say what meds you're taking? sometimes they take a while to settle into your system, but not sure if after 3 weeks you should be feeling as bad as you do. It depends also on the dosage...is it high? If things dont get any better go and have another chat to the doc, as sometimes it can take a while to find the right meds and it can be a bit hit and miss to start with. Is this first time with meds for you or have you taken some before?

Cathy xxx

10-07-08, 19:59
Thank you for all your support its great to have, big hugs :hugs:

Hi Cathy,

Im on citalopram 20mg so its still a low dose. I had a breakdown about 5 years ago and then i was put on Dithiopin and libreum.

Im back to the doc on tuesday to talk to him about maybe putting the dose up. I just want to feel normal again like all people who suffer with these feelings.

I will let you know how i get on :)

Sarah xxxx

milly jones
10-07-08, 21:28
hunny im on citalopram too

the side effects are nasty until ur system gets used to them hun

but for me the side effects are far better than the constant anx and dread.

when the dose is changed it does unsettle u again, but its a process u need to go thru to get things spot on and it does take time.

this is my 3rd med too to get something that hits the spot.

but im determined not to give in as i need a real life.

good luck

milly xxx