View Full Version : Rash on thighs

10-07-08, 12:44
I am feeling much better, blisters have gone and I feel ok now, wierd. The children are all getting over the virus too, just hope our middle child doesn't, no signs so far:winks:

This week I have noticed at the top of my legs/thighs, mainly my right leg I have a blotchy type rash, looks like a map, hard to explain. I first noticed it when I was sitting on the loo (tmi) and looked down at my thighs so its on the front of my leg.

It fades when touched so not worried about it but its wierd. My hubby says it looks like a map/cornbeef type marks which he says is just temperature related and as its colder recently he thinks its just that.

Does anyone know what I mean and do you get it?

10-07-08, 14:14
Hmm it could be red spider veins, you get them as you get older ( i have them on the tops of my thighs even though I am young)

Have you lost any weight in the past few months, it may be strech marks

Ooor it could just be heat rash or from your virus.

Taken and medication that's new or eaten anything different?

That's all I can think of now lol

10-07-08, 16:50
Not changed anything and it doesn't look like a heat rash or viral tbh.

It looks just like what my husband calls corndbeef rash, is that when your blood vessels come to the surface? it looks like they all join up like a road map, lol!

11-07-08, 14:33
I'm going to say just varacose/ spider veins then.

Have your Dr have a peak at em next time your there.
I have not had a worry about my skin in the way of rashes........yet lol but I can't think of anything serious that could cause it.

x x x hope you feel better,

11-07-08, 15:47

im experiencing this too at the moment! i can see blue veins on top on legs which i havent noticed before, i put a search in this site about the rash, but no one sempt to have it, im so glad some one else has it, i know that sounds awful, but at least we are not alone!! only on top of thighs at front.

libbie x