View Full Version : Concentration

25-04-05, 22:38
...I have non!

Or at least I have minimal amounts, but, I am going to try and focus enough of my depleted levels of concentration to write a topic about it (which I'm not confident about!).

This is difficult as it has been a problem of mine from day one and is not necessarily an 'anxiety problem' as such. Although I'm fairly convinced that it is related in some vague yet very close way (here we go again!).

The Vague Yet Very Close Way

It's my opinion that anxiety causes thoughts. Thoughts cause a lack in concentration. We all have thoughts, and we all have anxiety. To let go of anxiety means to let go of your thoughts, or vice versa (which came first the chicken or the egg?)

From an early age I've always been anxious, and I've always learnt to avoid difficult situations. This was in no way connected to panic, but you could call it higher than average state of anxiety.

From this, I always questioned many things, and this left me with a lot of thought regarding my life, as well as many smaller things. Maybe part of my anxiety, and avoidance, is due to the fact that I often questioned the purpose of entering difficult situations. One thing is for certain, I've always been a 'thinker'.

The Current Problem

Example 1

So, it's an average day, going about your daily routines, then you get talking to someone. You're talking to this person, then all of a sudden mid-way through a sentence you forget what you're talking about. This makes way for a long and very uncomfortable silence. Incidentally the latter part heightens your anxiety further more and you get stuck in the old problem of thinking too much about what you should be saying (something that will be familiar with social phobics) which just serves to increase your chances of remembering what you were saying in the first place.

Example 2

Someone is talking to you. Can be any situation, but becomes more apparent when someone is talking to you at length. You are interested in what they say, yet your mind begins to wander. You make an attempt to listen, but again, your eyes begin to go out of focus and you're thinking about the time you went to Butlins in 1983! Ok, so you realise your mind has wandered, and you try to revert back to the sensory input that is being provided for you. Only when you do this, you find you still can't listen! You hear a short snippet '...are you listening...', then your own thoughts begin to go something like 'listening, listening...listening, I like the sound of that word, listening, listening...no, I need to focus...focus, that's a good word too'! Or even more embarassing, you fail to even grasp the meaning of one single, easy word that you have used your entire life.

Example 3

You're sitting at home, feet up, you switch off the TV and decide to pick up a book instead. You open it up and commence reading. You read the entire first chapter of the book (of which you have been excited to read for weeks), then suddenly realise that you have created a solution to boost global economics and eradicate third world debts, but you haven't got the slightest idea what the book is about. This is very strange, because you do remember actually reading the words, you just don't know what they said.

The Depth of the Problem

Now you're at work. The boss is telling you what needs done for the day. He is talking, but you're not listening (see example 2). There is one easy way out of this; you simply say 'Sorry, but I'm completely incapable of listening to what you are saying to me right now, it would be best if I just went home, had a cuppa, then you can go through all of this with me again tomorrow. Although I can't guarantee that I will listen to you then either (very likely)'. Unfortunately, that isn't much of an option.

Another option is to pretend you knew what they were saying and try your best to blag your way through the day.

The mostly likely thing to happen, is that you look like an idiot and succeed in doing nothing. You want to fix this problem, but all efforts fail in a rath

26-04-05, 08:51
Mico - your post made me laugh so much. It's very ironic how forgetting what you are talking about is a lot worse than the anxiety was in the first place!! I guess I am very lucky because I honestly don't have a problem with my concentration except when trying to work and I'm pretty sure that's my own doing lol :D

26-04-05, 09:06
This is a major problem of mine too! This is where the coffee comes in helpful! Lol.
My concentration is so bad, because I think too much and analyse everything too much. I have always got a million and one thoughts running through my mind which require my full attention. Alas, this drags me out of the conscious world of the living, and i'm back in La-La land.
I think it's a lot to do with anxiety, I have always had a higher level of anxiety than others. From quite an early age.
I don't think its ADD though Mico, I really believe it's all part and parcel of anxiety, just another 'side effect'.

Just a thought though,(before I drift off!!!) have you thought about taking omega 3 & 6 oils? The fish oil supplements? Trials showed good improvements for childrens concentration levels, so maybe it may have the same effect on us grown ups?
I'm certainly going to give it a try anyway. I'll let you know how I get on.

Take care,

26-04-05, 09:10
Hi Mico

**It's my opinion that anxiety causes thoughts** and I agree with you -I'm interested what you think causes anxiety too.

**I often questioned the purpose of entering difficult situations** I think this is very valid and would agree - mine all came from a wild internal dialogue of debate within and the loudest debater won or whether I 'should' do or avoid. For months I didn't recognise this debate for what it was and thought it was just a jumble of thoughts but really it was a very fast paced debate.

With example one I more often forget where I was going with the conversation rather than with the current sentence.

With example 2 - this tends to only happen with me when I am far more interseted in another conversation going on on the next table and am trying to follow that too so almost tune out the primary one yet know I've got to keep it going..

3 - all the time..

I think people who are happy with their own company often decide not to make the effort to go out to socialize even if they don't have SA, though they know it can lead to avoidance and further introspection but its not important to get that outside stimulus whereas naturally social people will move heaven and earth to get contact with others.

Its great that meditation can work for you , I guess a goal would be for it to take a progressively shorter time than a week to achieve calming of you thoughts.

I'm not sure how much this is related directly to anxiety or is an integral personality trait. The circa 50000 thoughts/day are well documented, what we each choose to use them on is so individualistic. I know that when I was acutely anxious about 49000 went on self worrying and what would become of me etc so nothing else got done and now it's turned completely and everything else and more gets done.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-04-05, 10:06

Short and sweet is good. I do always find that relaxing before reading helps, but it can be difficult. Something I should really discipline myself with.

And yes, anxiety does suck.


Glad I could be of service in brightening up your day :D


I shall give the fish oils a go, thanks.


<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">With example one I more often forget where I was going with the conversation rather than with the current sentence.
<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 26 April 2005 : 09:10:37</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That's very true for me too. It appears that I get so immersed into the thought I have right at the present moment, that I forget why I am thinking that thought in the first place. This is one of the reasons my thoughts can wander off in so many different directions. It's like they evolve from one thing eventually turning into something completely different. But, it can be so bad, that I do forget mid-sentence.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I'm not sure how much this is related directly to anxiety or is an integral personality trait.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I believe there's a lot of personality in here. But what I'm arguing is that I think much of this may well be an anxiety-personality trait. If that makes sense.

Got to go now though, I shall be back with more nonsense later [^]


26-04-05, 10:27
Great post I really enjoyed reading it though i did have to go back and read it again cos i read it without reading lol your not the only one,

Mico that was so funny, ive seen myself lose my train ot thought in the middle of a conversation, and just pretend to cough cos i didnt know what to say,

I have often just pretended to understand what someone has just said, especially my hubby cos i just go into a trance then days later he will say i told you,

hope you get the answers you are looking for lol,
im a born worrier and think far to much try to analyse everything, i do try stop myself but its hard, i think we all do to a certain degree,
thanks for the post and meg loved your reply as always spot on,

kairen x