View Full Version : hi im new please help me xxx

10-07-08, 21:21
hi iv been suffering from panic attacks for a while now, ivrecently had a baby and during the pregnancy the attacks stopped, my baby is 8week old and since i had him theyve been 10times worse.

last nite i was very bad, my attack lasted the longest they ever have, i wanted to die i was convinced i was going to and wasnt bothered, i was hallucinating and had all general symptoms but worse than ever.

i have a phobia of been sick or feeling sick (emetophobia) which often starts my attacks, i feel asthough i feel sick all the time, i dnt i dnt think its just in my head, i hate going to bed on a night as i no ill have an attack, iv got into a vicous circle, i dnt eat so then i feel sick, i feel sick so i have a panic attack, then cos im panicing i feel even more sick and it just causese me to panic more

doctor has put me on sum tablets citalopram- which i dnt want to take as the side effects are sickness, so i have nothing to help me, im going to see a counsellor soon wen my referal comes back.

sorry for long post but dnt think i can cope if i have another, i realy would rather be dead. im only here ocs i no my little boy needs me xxxxx

10-07-08, 21:47
its frustrating, i know.

have you tried the medication at all? not all people experience side effects.

have you tried any of the homeopathic remedies? those tend to have fewer side effects.

i have found things like yoga and meditation help me alot.

good luck, i hope you find something that works!

Cathy V
10-07-08, 22:03
Hi nat, I think ive already answered this on your other thread? please try and stick to one thread about one subject, as multiple threads are a bit confusing and you only get half of the replies!

10-07-08, 22:31
Hi NatBat

It's interesting you mention not having panic attacks when pregnant.

I was talking to my Osteopath the other month and she gave me an article from a journal about this - apparently it is pretty common for attacks to lessen because the adrenalin is affected by pregnancy and therefore less attacks.

I am currently pregnant with my 2nd child and my Osteopath has advised me to see an acpuncturist after I give birth asd she thinks that will help keep my adrenal levels more balanced. So there are other things to consider besides meds.

But I am certainly not dismissing meds because I took citalopram after a bad breakdown (I refused to take them at first - I was scared to pieces at taking them cos' I'd only heard bad things about them) and the tablets gave my brain and body the chance to stablise and give me chance to rethink methods and strategies of coping with panic attacks cos' I was burnt out.

11-07-08, 20:52
Hi Natbat,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Good luck with your baby.
Best wishes,