View Full Version : hi im new please help me xxxx

10-07-08, 21:25
hi im natalie and im 20years old, i have a partner and new baby boy 8weeks old,

iv been suffering from panic attacks for a while now, during my pregnancy the attacks stopped, bt since i had him theyve been 10times worse.

last nite i was very bad, my attack lasted the longest they ever have, i wanted to die i was convinced i was going to and wasnt bothered, i was hallucinating and had all general symptoms but worse than ever.

i have a phobia of been sick or feeling sick (emetophobia) which often starts my attacks, i feel asthough i feel sick all the time, i dnt i dnt think its just in my head, i hate going to bed on a night as i no ill have an attack, iv got into a vicous circle, i dnt eat so then i feel sick, i feel sick so i have a panic attack, then cos im panicing i feel even more sick and it just causese me to panic more

doctor has put me on sum tablets citalopram- which i dnt want to take as the side effects are sickness, so i have nothing to help me, im going to see a counsellor soon wen my referal comes back.

sorry for long post but dnt think i can cope if i have another, i realy would rather be dead. im only here ocs i no my little boy needs me xxxxx

Cathy V
10-07-08, 21:29
Hi natalie and welcome to nmp. I dont have emetaphobia but alot of ppl here do so you'll get lots of support. I do have anx and panic sometimes so i know how thaf feels, and i also think alot of the problems are magnified after having a baby. Its quite a common thing on here as you'll see, and is down to the hormones settling back down again.

Im sure you'll get he support you need.
Take care
Cathy xxx

milly jones
10-07-08, 21:34
hi hun

congratulations on ur new baby hun.

and welcome to nmp.

i take it uve talked to ur health visitor about ur feelings hunny?

the citalopram which im on, helps my anx.

there are some side effects initially and when the dose is changed, but for me the side effects are far less than the anx feelings. i know feeling sick isnt what u want to feel at the moment, but its temporary hun.

if u really dont want to take them and cant i suggest u go back and chat to ur gp.

hope u find some support here too hunny

milly xxx

10-07-08, 21:38
hiya and welcome to nmp, you will find lots of advice and support here and meet new friends too, keep posting and we will do our best to help u hun hugs xx

10-07-08, 21:50
hiya nat. hope the site is helpful for you. I Ddont have your condition, but someone on the site will be able to help. give the little one a hug from me xx

10-07-08, 22:05
Hi Natalie

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left for loads of tips and advice.

You will meet some lovely people here and get some great support.

10-07-08, 23:22
Hiya Nat :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
be sure to keep posting as it realy helps to talk about things and we will help you as much as we can.
hope to talk to you in chat sometime

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


10-07-08, 23:31
Hi I would like to say I was put on the same tablets but put them away in the cupboard cos I read the side effects and they scared me, after a year of not going out, sleeping loads I feeling scared all the time I decided that nothing could be worse so I took them and a month down the road i feel great, on top of the world and flying again I have a new job:yesyes: and wish I had taken them sooner I feel like my old self again, loads of energy no more pain or hideing away and I laugh alot aswell.

Please keep trying, it can only get better, having a baby is a wonderful part of life so much fun to be had.

Remember your doctor would not of given you the tablets if he/she felt they would not do you any good.:)

11-07-08, 07:14
Hi Natalie, hope you find NMP. It's really good for shring worries and concerns and getting support from people who know what you are going through. Good Luck and Welcome!

11-07-08, 07:53
Hello. I am new on this site too looking for help. I am 31 and was 19 when I experienced my first attack. I had my son at 22 and the attacks did go away during pregnancy and then came back full force. I am glad to see you will be getting help for this condition. You are taking a step in the right direction. Take it from someone who was too embarrassed to let anyone know I was suffering panic attacks and took over 5 years to get help! The right medication and treatments are out there. Ask a lot of questions, don't let the doctors be dismissive with you - that is what discouraged me from initially getting help. Very importantly, when you find something that works for you stick with it. Don't make my mistake and start therapy and not finish it (I was having panic attacks on the way to my sessions and couldn't drive myself all the way) - if you have that happen, get someone to make sure you go religiously. Also, if medication happens to be the route for you, try different things - give them a chance. Don't give up and good luck :yesyes:

11-07-08, 16:52
Hello ....I understand how hard it is and how it gets in2 a vicious circle ...my fear is fainting and my panic symptoms are feeling faint so im constantly panicking ...if I get hot I think ill faint so panic ....i cant go out anywhere as I fear i'll get faint and then panic ......I take citalopram and they have helped me. I really hope u find help and support on here as I truely understand how hard it is xxxxxxxxxxxx

11-07-08, 21:50
Hi Natalie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-07-08, 15:25
Hi Natalie,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


12-07-08, 15:41
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

13-07-08, 15:20
Hi and welcome to the site I am sure you will get some really good advise on here. Take care
