View Full Version : ive just had a really bad one..

10-07-08, 21:38
:weep::weep: ..it hasnt happened in so long..and its terrified me.
i thought i was doing really well, but this has happened..and i go away next week!!!!!!!
i feel sick, im all hot, and i cant stop thinking of it.
somebody told me something that was a very big shock to me, and at first i was fine with it,
but then i had a ciggie [i dont smoke, i used to for about 6 months but quit] and its my first one in ages, and it made me go lightheaded and weak and i felt instantly sick..
has this triggered them off? and will i be ok by next week?
i dont want to go back to how i was just because of an impulse smoke which i regret SO MUCH :weep:
im scared
:weep: :weep: :weep:

milly jones
10-07-08, 21:51
hey hunny we all have blips

pls dont beat urself up about it

i ate 1/2 box thorntons today, and....

tomorrows a fresh day hunny

nothing says u will have another pa just the anx that u think u might

take care

milly xx

10-07-08, 22:12
Hi hun :hugs:

I have not had a pa in a long time, BUT, I still know how dame terrifiying they are :hugs:BUT hun, you have come through it, this DOES NOT mean you are going to have another one hun, :hugs:please, believe this,:hugs:

At the moment you are fueling your anxiety by thinking just how bad it was, ohhhh hun, please don't do this, prase yourself for handling it well, cos you DID :hugs:

I don't know what you were told, but this may have given you what we call normal levels of anx and them when you had the cig, ohh boy, cos you have not had one in a long time, this made you feel dizzy, both these feeling are normal hun, but your mind went into overdrive and you thought for a split second, ohhhh panic.

One of the things I had to learn, was to learn that we DO GET normal levels of anx, everyone gets this, even people who don't, suffer pa,s. I had to learn that anxiety DOES NOT always lead to panic, this can be dame hard, but with lots of hard work, time and support, it can be done.

Hun, you have to remember that panic is truma, the mind is a very powerfull thing and things may remind us of that truma (panic) the thing you where told and the cig (dizzy) this just reminded you of the truma (panic) you have to try DAME HARD to use postive self thought, tell yourself that the symptoms you had just before your panic WAS normal, blimey, anyone would feel dizzy after having there first cig in a long time.

Your flight, fight response has kicked in, your mind thinks you are in danger, you have to try and show yourself, THERE IS NONE, make light of what you have done, I know its dame hard, but don't put to much importance on this blip.

I know its dame hard, NOT to think of it, BUT hun, you must try and distract yourself, these feeling and thoughts WILL pass. YOU WILL be fine next week hun, :hugs:you will not go back to the way you was, please, see this for what it is, A BLIP, its all part of recovery.



10-07-08, 22:36
Hugs and Milly and Jill are right. It's a blip.
Blips happen for different reasons. perhaps the sensation of the fag was abit like an attack and therefor your mind and body went into " OOOOh it's an attack".

But you will have learnt so much about attacks now that you are better prepared for them.

I think if I was you I'd make sure that tomorrow and the weekend are extra calming and relaxing for you and I am sure you'll be fine.

Hugs cos' it is not fun when they come back to bite you - but it doesn't mean it's here to stay xxxx