View Full Version : worried about fainting

26-04-05, 10:28
hi all,
im worrird today cause i keep feeling faint/lightheaded im scared somethings going to happen to me,ive never fainted in my life so i dont understand why im afraid, i started my monthly on sunday and i dont know whether its that or not, if ive never passed out before is there a chance i could now:(

26-04-05, 10:47
hi sue

It cud b the anxiety it can make u lightheaded it happened to me,but i didn't faint it is a scary thing when it happens. Have u got anxiety at the moment?

lin xx

26-04-05, 10:54
hi lin,
yes ive been bad over the last few days cause my dad had a big operation, also i get bad pmt aswell, hense my monthly
luv sue

26-04-05, 11:05
hi sue

I did read about your dad it cud b u worring about him and being bad and pmt thats alot u have at the moment. When i had my anxiety bad my head felt terrible and i was worried about alot of things, now its gone i'm going to try and not worry to much which is going to b hard!!!!!. Hope your dad is on the mend. My monthly is due nxt wk yuk!!!!.

take care

lin xx

26-04-05, 11:18
Hi Sue

The lightheadedness you describe is definitely one of Mr Anxities charms !
It is only a 'feeling' and this will pass if you can learn that it IS just a feeling and that it will do you no harm.

Ask yourself how many times you've felt this before & as you say you've never fainted yet.

Do try and relax and take good care of yourself and I'm sure things will improve.

Can't help with the pmt i'm afraid - I just get a pain in the neck when my wife has it ! LOL

Take care

26-04-05, 14:28
Its just a feeling / sensation . If you've not fainted previosuly there is no evidence to suggest you are going to now ...

I hope you're eating properly with all the Dad stuff.
How is his rhythm now ?


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-04-05, 14:32
Hi Sue,
Sorry you are having a bit of a bad time right now, but is it any wonder? anyone would be stressed right now, what with dad and everything, so sling in a bit of aniety, a bit of panic, pmt and hey, you wonder why you feel dizzy? It is just a symtom of anxiety, i've lived with it for 16 years and to date, have not fainted yet, and neither will you, take time, if you can, to pamper yourself, whatever makes you feel good, nice bath? watching a dvd? anything, you will be fine and you will feel better soon. take care. by the way, make sure you are eating properly.

26-04-05, 14:50
thanks guys,
it prob is the stress coming out,ill try to take my mind off it

meg- dads heart rythum went back to normal not long after treatment for it, hes coming home this afternoon- i cant believe how quick there sending him home, i hope hes going to be ok now, do you know if the worst that can happen is over now as im still quite worried
thanks meg
luv sue

26-04-05, 16:45

You will not faint hun - it's just the anxiety making you think you will. Try to distract yourself and I'm sure the fear will pass..

Sarah :D

26-04-05, 16:51
Hi Sue

It's the anxiety that's making you lightheaded I had it for weeks and never fainted.
It's probably all the stress coning out after your father's surgery which is only natural.
Glad to hear he's ok and coming home, he'll feel so much better at home.

Take care

Elaine x

26-04-05, 17:49
hi sue

have you tried b6 complex for your pmt, ive been taking it over a month now and my pmt was deff, better this month (so thanks for the tip meg) plus like u say the stress of your Dad just make sure u eat regularly and drink plenty of water,

Hope your Dad is doing well you will fel better when he is home

take care

kairen x