View Full Version : paul

10-07-08, 23:22
Hi , new to this , here because i don't have a problem but my brother does , hope that makes sense and i need advice to help him. We've always been close and some years ago he had a terrible illness and is better now but fighting anger , he's had diazapan , not sure what that is but sounds very scary from reading threads, not a great expert on how this works but any advice would be appreciated , i love him and want to see him happy again , regards to all

10-07-08, 23:27
Do you know what he was diagnosed with?

If he had diazepam that is like valium - a tranquliser

:welcome: by the way

10-07-08, 23:32
well not sure , but sectioned for a day or two , god i'm so anonomous ok , scared cos never seen inside of mental unit before , sorry i'm week as big bro but only family is elderly dad , lucky i've got a mega gf but confusd how this drug mad him mad , think he's been self medicating for ages - doc said that didn't give more details

10-07-08, 23:33
and hey ta for welcome

10-07-08, 23:47
thanks and be good for advice from anyone , hate drugs and know hey can be good for certain deppresions , but i've never been there , finally got out of my bro that a black cloud comes , stuggle to understand, hope tht makes sense

10-07-08, 23:54
You closed the thread - did u mean to?

10-07-08, 23:59
sorry did'nt mean to !

11-07-08, 00:02
hope we can keep this thread open cas need advice , sorry

11-07-08, 00:06
hey soooo crap at how this works , sorry

11-07-08, 00:13
hey e mail e anyone if any ideas , regrds paul

milly jones
11-07-08, 15:37
hi paul

welcome to nmp

the site will help u get support too to understand ur brothers difficulties

please join in with forum and chat room

love milly xx:hugs:

11-07-08, 16:15
Hi Paul,

Welcome here, you should find this site supportive for both yourself and bro's needs.

Diazepam is a good drug if taken by the doctors advice/by prescription, as and when. If abused, just like any other drug, people can run into problems.

Diazepam is valium and this helps to calm people when feeling very stressed, anxious and in a state of panic. I used to take Diazepam and I found it very helpful in particulary stressful occassions.

It's nice to hear that you're trying to help your brother and sticking by him. I suffer from depression from time to time and it's a horrible illness to have. Just being there and listening to him talk, could mean the world to him. You're a brill bro - he must be proud of you.

Any questions you want to ask, everyone's here to help.

Take care of yourself and wishing your brother well :flowers:

11-07-08, 16:21
hiya and welcome to nmp, u sound like a lovely caring brother u should be proud of ya self hun. you will get lots of good advice and support here and u will make new friends too.

11-07-08, 17:35
hi stumpis
Im on here because my partner has anx problems. Its a great site to find out how to help you friend. Your only a click away from help. don't feel your all on your own.
There is always someone to help. xx

11-07-08, 21:51
Hi Paul and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You might want to read the pages on the left which are full of useful info, just click on the links in the column.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-07-08, 15:26
Hi Paul,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


12-07-08, 15:40
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

13-07-08, 15:18

Welcome to the site, really good that you are trying to help your brother and I am sure you will get some good advise on here.
