View Full Version : Weight Loss

11-07-08, 00:59
Just a quick one - I weighed myself last night and this morning and noticed I have lost about 3-4kg since the last time i weighed myself (abt 1-2 weeks ago).... so guess what I'm thinking now... I've got the big C!

I try to think about it without losing the plot... but ive not really changed my eating habits or anything, and my weight has been always very stable. :shrug:

Probably paronoid again!!

11-07-08, 07:13
Hi Steve, some people have fast metabolisms especially when stressed.Have you been running around a lot recently and burning up lots of energy? I doubt it is cancer - you would have other symptoms but if you are worried, go to your Doctor for a check up. Maybe you have a thyroid problem.

11-07-08, 08:14
I lost about 30lb then found out i was diabetic

11-07-08, 09:51
I posted about this as well
When you are stressed your body is running 100 marathons at once and you loose weight fast, I have lost a whole stone!!! and I am trying to put it back on.

I weight 7.5 stone now yuck!

But if you feel you may have the big c and I don't think you will....go have a blood tests and that would confirm it for you and put your mind at ease.

Try to remember that stressing over your weight will make you loose more!!

Try complan drink, get it from the chemist...it helps people who cant eat properly put on weight and get the vitamins they need :yesyes:

12-07-08, 04:48
Hi Steve2007,

I have lost a stone recently due to anxiety. I am under a lot of stress right now and as a result I've not been eating properly. I know I'm doing it to myself so I'm trying really hard to eat more which is difficult when I feel so ill.

If you suffer from anxiety it is possible that your weight loss is due to that, so try not to worry about it.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

12-07-08, 09:43
hi steve,
yeah i've lost weight too, try not to worry too much about it the more you focus on it the more of an issue it becomes, you would have other symptoms if it was the big c, plus i know plenty of people with cancer who haven't lost weight at all, its normally the worry of it all that makes them lose weight, pop to docs to reassure yourself.

Di xx

12-07-08, 09:56
Hiya Steve,
Yeah another one here whos lost weight due to anxiety, The end of last year id lost nearly 2 stone due to my probs and like you thought omg this is it ive got some awfull illness. But now i have to tell you that ive put it all back on (and a little more) lol, but at least im feeling a bit better. Try not to worry cause im sure like the rest of us its your anxiety, but let your gp put your mind at rest

12-07-08, 15:01
Hi Steve

I also lost weight (7kg) with my recent episode of Anxiety, which lasted 3 months, so im guessing its normal to loose a bit of weight when your going through anxiety.

12-07-08, 17:06
I know exactly how you feel. I have episodes when I am convinced that all my clothes are hanging on me but I am too afraid to weigh myself. This lasts for several weeks and then I wake up one morning and it is gone. My mind always homes in on the Big C if anything unusual happens to me.

Logically I know that when I amd anxious I actually eat more and put on weight because I lie in bed worrying all the time.

12-07-08, 17:08
I had this problem. My scales were wrong!!!


14-07-08, 07:45
Thanks ppl... this site does more for my anx than a 100 docters telling me the same!! Thanks heaps.. :hugs:

14-07-08, 17:51
Hi Steve. I had this just before Xmas. I lost over a stone. I was pretty anxious that I'd got something actually wrong with me this time.

I was getting other stress symptoms at the time (which I was sure weren't stress as usual) but that just made it worse. About March I started doing something about anxiety and I'm now in a position where I've put the stone back on and I'm cursing myself for wasting a big stroke of luck. I'm now back to being just overweight for my height so exercising like mad to loose a few pounds.



14-07-08, 18:54
Been very depressed and anxious for 6 months and have lost loads. I'm eating ok but guess my metabalism is going crazy. I've gone from a dress size 10 to 6.

14-07-08, 23:05
I lost about 1.5 stone over three months, also due to anxiety. I didn't believe the doctor for a second when she said it was anxiety, but I look back now, and I was soo tense the whole time and my brain whirring - using horrendous amounts of calories to be on 'full alert' all the time! I took some happy pills for six months, returned to work eventually, started relaxing a bit more and have now put all the weight back on - in fact I have put a little bit too much back on...Honestly, anxiety uses massive amounts of energy, so try not to worry about it.

Captain America
28-07-08, 13:01
i've lost a ton myself, finally stabilized after a 2 stone (28 lbs right?) weight loss. i try to eat more, and obsessively weigh myself every morning looking for signs that i'm starting to drop weight again. i used to be borderline obese, according to the govt charts, and it's weird because i can eat anything i want, fast food, ice cream, etc...and can't gain weight. i guess i'm relieved to hear that others lost weight, etc, but my brain won't believe it's just anxiety so i'm off to the doctor again this thursday.

i really, really can't stand this! the fear that i'm really sick is so strong, and i can't find any 'exposure' therapy to address it like i can with exercise and crowds.
