View Full Version : freaking out!

11-07-08, 12:45
has anyone ever had a heart beat that they could feel &hear in their ear? i think i have ab blood clot/tumour some one help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

11-07-08, 12:59

when your blood pressure is a little high you can hear it pumping around your body.(you have ateries near your ears pumping away)
That and you are foucusing your hearing on the sounds.

Go rest for a bit or do something that relaxes you (not a hot bath, it will make it worse)

Just relax and control your breathing as you may be hyperventilating and that will also speed upp your heart rate not to mention the adrenalin your realeasing over your panic.

11-07-08, 13:00
You may be having a panic attack you know

x x x

11-07-08, 14:17
i dont think i am having a panic attack and my blood pressure is normal i had it checked about a week ago at the drs. arghhh i hate it

11-07-08, 14:23
Hey there, it might just be up at the moment that's all, trust me the more you paic and worry the more adrenalin your body will release, this will 100% give you a fast pulse and you will hear your blood pumping around your ears if you concentrate on it enough.

It is getting better yet?

11-07-08, 14:25
try focusing on something around you, count or try a tv programme

If all else fails, give the nhs nurse a quick call on the phone and I'm sure they will put your mind at ease

I hope you feel better soon, email me if you just want to chat or anything at all

11-07-08, 14:58
I have this too sometimes, I asked the doctor about it and he said it was nothing to worry about. xx

11-07-08, 16:03
how long did it last for? xxx