View Full Version : Alone during a thunderstorm

11-07-08, 13:56
Hi... feel really really scared.... I'm alone in the house and it's chucking it down with really bad thunder and lightning. My house was struck by lightning last year when I was alone in it and now I'm terrified - every time the thunder crashes I go all hot with panic. I just want it to pass. So scared.

11-07-08, 14:23
Hi Samira,

You poor thing I'm not suprised you so scared if your house got struck by lightening maybe it will pass relativley quickly.


11-07-08, 14:30
hiya i hate thunder too the lightening more i hope its gone now and u r ok hugs xx

11-07-08, 14:55
Hiya and thanks...it seems to have passed now but I'm still shaky! xxx

11-07-08, 14:59
hi samira,
i was on my own too when it started, and i hate it. but ive got a fab distraction......
put the hoover on and hoover the house. you cant really hear the thunder and your so busy looking at the carpet that you dont see the lightning.
works for me everytime.
hope you are okay now
take good care
kelly xx

11-07-08, 15:02
Thanks Kelly...don't you live somewhere near me? I seem to remember you saying you went to Sc**thorpe hospital....I'm in Grimsby. xxx

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11-07-08, 15:02
How funny....it thinks Scunny is a swearword! xxx

Cathy V
11-07-08, 15:04
Hi Samira, yes i think alot of feel the same way, but having the house actually struck must have been awful for you, no wonder you are extra nervous! This apartment in germany where i live is the top part of a house (my blokes mother lives on the ground floor) and last night we had the same storm here but the bedrooms are built into the roof and it wa sooooooo loud, and i was convinced the roof was going to be hit, so i came downstairs and stayed the rest of the night in the lounge on the sofa-bed....trembling!

11-07-08, 15:16
Thanks Cathy, I was scared before of thunder, but since the house was struck I've been terrified (it was like the loudest bang you can imagine, then all the electrics started smoking and the fire alarm went off, I was so scared I totally lost my head and ran round to the neighbours in my bare feet...duh) I start to panic just when it starts raining hard, never mind the actual storm! At least I'm not the only one! xxx

11-07-08, 15:22
hi samira,
thats so funny isnt it about scunny being seen as as swearword, on my first post i wrote it and it was edited, it made me laugh!! yeh im in gainsborough near lincoln and we have just had the worst thunder storm and heavy heavy rain. i have got a huge family wedding tomorrow and its not looking good weather wise, such a shame.
im scared of thunder because when i was little my gran told me you can go blind if you look at lightning!!!!! even though i know its not true now i still get terrified if there is a storm.
its passed here now so hopefully tahts it for today. bloody hell i hope it doesnt thunder and lightning when we are in the marquee tomorrow, i will freak out.
kelly xxx

11-07-08, 15:24
god that sounds so scarey having your house hit. im sure though that is a once in a lifetime thing. the chances of it happening again most be almost nil. but i suppose that doesnt help when you are in the middle of another storm xx

11-07-08, 15:33
Hi Kelly, yes I know Gainsborough, one of my mum's friends has just opened a tea shop there! This weather is so awful, I can't believe it. Good luck with the wedding tomorrow, fingers crossed it won't thunder again! xxx

11-07-08, 16:06
Hey Sam was pretty scary wasn't it glad its over now, and hope it does not come back, small world this is you know I also know Gainsborough as I used to live there also. And most computers dont spell scunny and it is cos of swear word lol, hope you are feeling better now, as the saying goes mate lightening never strikes same place twice

Emma xxxxx

11-07-08, 16:06
I haven't a reason to hate thunderstorms but they definately freak me out. A thunderstorm did break net modem tho.

I can relate to how scary it is.

11-07-08, 16:57
Thanks everyone, good to know it's not just me who gets scared! :scared15: xxx