View Full Version : mind games

11-07-08, 14:36
The problem have sometimes is that nothing seems to feel as real was want it to, like when am here am always trying to make sense of things that dont exsist ie thinking theres answers when theres not and there never will be.
The answers come from within but sometimes it feels like the answers are on the wall on the carpet ceiling its crazy but feel like am stuck in some sort of mind trap. Clutter and mess dont help its trying to organize thoughts and be comfortable with everything around. Nothing around has got answers walls belongings etc inaminate objects the answers must come from within. Sometimes going up to something and feeling it makes the perspective seem more real more visual perception is reality.
Like realise this might throw some but have carpet patterns and they really f**k with my head, like can see clarity there of thoughts same with most patterns on curtains lino in kitchen, personally think its because have an analyzing mind an abstract mind am an artist by career!
Just spend to much time wanting answers from stuff that cant possibly bring answers.
Spend to much time fighting and not accepting fighting with the conceuss mind, fighting feelings thoughts.

The journey is just as important as the destination.

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