View Full Version : Am I being stupid?

11-07-08, 18:22
Hi there - I had a chest x-ray today and was told that I would get the results by Monday (omigod, have to wait a whole weekend.... nightmare for me). I asked the radiographer whether or not I would be told today if there was something serious and she assured me that I would but now I am worried that there is and that my doctor is 'being kind' and giving me the weekend before she delivers bad news... Am I being overly worried, or do you think that a Doctor would wait until Monday to deliver some serious news to me? I know I sound like I'm nuts, but I'm really panicking about this. Any reassurance would be great - if you can!

11-07-08, 21:09
I think you should believe what she told you. I'm sure the doctor wouldn't wait to contact you if there was something seriously the matter. This is your mind playing tricks on you. At least you are investigating something that's bothering you (in your chest), so one way or another you will have an answer--that's better than worrying about symptoms for months on end, like some of us do. Really, try to enjoy your weekend. Take care, Texel

11-07-08, 22:07
Doctor's are professional and not "Kind" to people if there is something wrong and you have to believe this. It is against their ethics so I am positive that all is ok.

What was the test for?

12-07-08, 01:29
No news is always good news ~I think, ive never known Drs to wait if they know something, I have known them knock on doors though to tell you bad news, please be reassured that all is fine with you x x hugs to you x

12-07-08, 01:41
Defintely not stupid. It is natural to worry but if there had been something serious I am sure they would have sent you right to your doctor or had someone speak to you.
Hugs, I hope the weekend goes fast!

12-07-08, 12:18
Thanks everyone for those reassuring answers - I do feel a bit better now. Nicola, the test was something I asked for actually - not something the Doctor suggested - I'm an ex-smoker, so wanted to check it out - it's taken me SO long to ask for one to be done as I am terrified of something being wrong.... Also, I had a very tiny (and totally mobile) lump near my right collarbone - the Doctor thinks it's a Branchial cyst - I of course googled it and found out that a lump there can be very serious so went into a spiral of panic - despite the Doctor telling me that she didn't think it was a lymph gland... the one thing I hate the most about this anxiety is not believing the professionals.... which the sensible side of me knows is really silly. It is really nice to have you all there to listen to the moaning (mine I mean) and to give kind words, it makes me feel less mad and takes the pressure of my poor husband who is quite sick of it all - though he does try to be good about it.

I will worry about it until I hear the results but having this site makes a world of difference, so thank you very much again....:)

13-07-08, 19:56
You are not being stupid... Just try to distract yourself, by initiating other things. Help a friend, do some gardening, read a book, watch movies... When the thoughts rush back, call someone and do small talk... Try not to open this topic. The days will go by quickly...

15-07-08, 07:54
Just a bit of good news. My chest x-ray was all normal - thank goodness. All the kind messages and reassurance definitely helped me get through what seemed like a really long weekened... Thank you very much.

15-07-08, 19:20
no need for thanx bex it is what this site is all about, anxiety plays horrible mind games with us, glad everything ok.


16-07-08, 09:55
Hi bex

So pleased the chest x-ray was normal take care
