View Full Version : wobbly, dizzy, scared it's MS

11-07-08, 19:58
does anyone feel dizzy wobbly and like the floor is moving, sometimes even when i'm sitting it feels like things are moving? GP says I've got anxiety, I can't believe it's possible to feel so bad all the time from anxiety, I'm often convinced it's MS, I live in fear of this illness can't take much more of it!!!
all the best

11-07-08, 20:14
Hi Malkita

Dizzyness is a classic sign and a massive symptom of anxiety - I have it every single day!!

11-07-08, 20:15
Yes I feel like this often, anxiety can do some wierd things to you.

You know what I do to test myself? Try this when you are having a non dizzy moment.

Lie quietly and think yourself into feeling dizzy - and it will happen.
Then think you can't feel your legs - you will feel like you can't feel your legs. Your mind is strong and can do all sorts of wierd stuff.

You can make yourself feel anything if you think about it. That's how I know my mind is playing tricks on me.

Does that make sense?

Jo x

11-07-08, 20:21
Thank you so much it really helps to know I'm not alone' sometimes I don't know how to carry on living in this fear, even at night I wake up thinking I'm dying of a desease, mostly MS, It feels like I have lost touch with reality sometimes,
thanks again,

11-07-08, 20:46
Dear Malkita, At my worst moments I have also been convinced I am dying of some disease, which would change on a daily or weekly basis. You also confirm your fears when you check your symptoms online and they seem to lead to cancer, MS, etc., etc. The bes two things that have helped me are: everytime you have a hard moment or thought, drink a glass of water. This helps to calm and steady you. And second, exercise regularly. I find this releases the endorphins I need to get my thinking back into balance--rational over irrational. I hope these two simply things can be a start in helping you as they helped me and your fears sound very much like mine a few months ago. Take care, Texel

11-07-08, 21:03
Hi everyone.
I often get a lightheadness feeling and dizzyness,especially when I move my head. I also get it in bed when I put my head back or lay on one side. My hubby thinks it's vertigo but if I go to the docs with more symptoms he is going to think I am mad.I have it tonight actually and have had my usual palpatations as well.
You are not alone
Love Mothermac xxxx

11-07-08, 21:05
Hmm you might want to get a referal to a neurologist ONLY to put your mind at rest, like I said before that's what I did.

would it help if someone (a dr preff) explained to you what anxiety does to the body to cause these symptoms, that's what I wanted.... not to just be told it's from anxiety.

I know you will be fine but going to see a neuro may help put your mind at ease.

Im sorry this is causing you so much distress, I really am

11-07-08, 23:22
I had this and it turned out to be vertigo which is an inbalance in the inner ear. I was convinced I had a brain tumour. If I'd have gone to the doctors it would have put my mind at rest instead of worrying myself sick for months! I had it when I lay down and put my head to the left and then randomly with my head at any angle. It is a really scary feeling. :( A weeks course of tablets clears it up. :)

12-07-08, 00:39
I have all these symtoms but strangely in all my problems ive never thought MS and its in my family, my closest Auntie has it as does her cousin, and yet in all my fears and phobias its not one of them, WHY?? maybe its due to me knowing the warning signs and I dont have them, neither do many of you who worry about it, I dont think if you had it you would be aware to be honest, an eye test? dropping things, falling over nothing??

Also can I say that MS is not always a death sentence, my aunt has the worst version unfortunately and its hard to see her, I wont go into details but her cousin also has it and has worked all her life, set backs YES but shes living with it, please dont let this worry any of you. What do you actually know about the illness?? it varies so much from person to person.

Its easy for me to say dont worry, I know what its like to stress about something thats on your mind, AND what that does to you, we are all wasting our lives away, and thats what worries me.

12-07-08, 03:19
I feel for you. I recently had a case of Bells Palsy (which is not permanent and went away very quickly....my face was numb on one side but with medicine it went away) Anyway, it happened about 3 weeks ago and I was CONVINCED it was because I had MS. I started having tingling in my arms/legs, numbness, shakiness of my muscles that would jerk me awake, feeling dizzy, etc. I demanded a CAT scan from my doc and it came back normal. Of course, I am CONVINCED now they should do an MRI. I have been to the ER twice this week and all my bloodwork and everything has come back normal. THREE doctors have told me it's NOT MS. I can't get it out of my mind and it's ruining everything. The "symptoms" come and go, depending on how much I'm obsessing.....so I know they must be anxiety provoked. I have a Xanax prescription and that HELPS. I'm just scared that the doctors are wrong and I am right.......I'm sure THEY are right, and I am wrong, but I can't stop worrying. It's awful! Anxiety must be able to do this to you. I had a Panic Attack 3 years ago where I thought I was DYING of a heart attack. I even called the ambulence to my house and then had my husband take me to the hospital 2 hours later for ANOTHER attack. I was fine! Anyone have any suggestions on how to stop the obsessing?????

12-07-08, 10:48
I HAVE THIS IT USE TO BE REALLY REALLY BAD EVERYDAY AND I SERIOUSLY THought the world was tilting but now its much more manageable and you have to try and ignore it, i only get really bad now if tired, or on my period!! x

12-07-08, 19:21
Hi everyone thnks for all your support,

I wish I didn't think this way as I know I can't enjoy life like this, now i'm dwelling on something else, when I look up and down ive got floaters but also a transparent film in my eyes it's not there when I look straight ahead I can see it against light surfaces or the sky, I've had two eye tests in a year they were fine now i'm thinking i've got an eye desease, it may have been there all along but since the optican said to look out for increased floaters I see this more, does anyone have this? I'm worrying again!!!!!!!!!!!!
all the best Malkita:)

13-07-08, 20:01
I had this Malkita and the optician said my eyes were just really dry. I bought some eye drops and they really helped. i think a lot of people get floaters from time to time. Anxiety does strange things to the body and we are much more aware of any little thing- try not to focus on it too much and get some eye drops- see if it helps. Lots of love, Teabag. xx

13-07-08, 23:47
Before I got my first full blown panic attack for couple of months (or more) I felt dizzy, wobbly... They were the first signs... I thought I got my sinus and ear problems were causing it due to my really bad allergies. I have bad bad eardrums... Unfortunately, they were due to anxiety. You just have to accept them as it is. They go away when you accept and not focus on them as much. Slight lightheadedness time to time doesn't hurt anyone believe me. The more you focus on it, the more irritating they get. I have been there... Now I get dizzy sometimes, but I let it go...

26-01-09, 12:03
Hi, im new to this site today! IV always suffered axiety, first started when i was 18 after moving out of home. I have found that if i dont keep myself active, or my brain occupied i start to focus more on myself. I did move back home a few years later and ive just moved in with my boyfriend, and yes its started again but this time with different symptoms, i get dizzy when sitting, i was terrified it was ms as i did some research on the net ( big mistake ) I dont get it at all when standing or doing things around the house or at work, i think im expecting it when i sit, i mean what else can it be? i went to the docs a number of times with this along with the symptom ( i cant think straight ) they look at me with a puzzled look! I have it now as im typing, my brain is a powerful thing, but why can i MAKE myself dizzy but cant MAKE myself NOT dizzy????
Ive suffered alone for so long, i think im insane sometimes, glad i found theres people i can talk to.
Glad to know im not actually dying xx

28-01-09, 11:07
i fear this too. scary stuff. my dad had it and it was pretty bad for him. but yes this is my biggest fear at the moment.