View Full Version : Hi Newby here

12-07-08, 16:50
Hi I am new to this forum am so glad i found it, I have the throat problem and so glad other people can relate to this. The scary part for me is how quickly it came on and now won't go away:weep: .

I have had a bad year with my mother in law in hospital and i was the found her dead, but i felt that I was coping with is very well being strong for my husband and his family, didn,t feel stressed at the time just got on with every thing. Then going back 6 weeks a go had this strange feeling went to doctors who confirmed chest infection put me on antibotics and since then everything has gone down hill. panic attacks feel as though I am dying, been to the doctors more times in the last 2 months then in a life time. They gave me prozac but made me worse so at the moment not taken anything waiting for thyroid scan results to come through and then will make another appointment, symptoms change daily one day throat next day tight chest, when will it go away so i can enjoy my life again.

Sorry to waffle on but just want some reasurance.

12-07-08, 16:57
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

milly jones
12-07-08, 17:01
hi stressed

it does get easier hunny, the more u learn to relax and control it.

u mentioned meds hun, have u been offered any therapy to help change ur behaviour too to run alongside the meds?

the website for nmp offers lots of useful advise and clear explanations for anx.

welcome to nmp

milly xxx:hugs: