View Full Version : Hey guys!

12-07-08, 17:53
Well hey all, i'm new here (wish i was to panic and anxiety tho) i stumbled across your site after looking for info on an antidepressant i've just been prescribed (but read the side effects bit first :scared15: so they're still untouched)
I've been a GAD sufferer for 17 years now and have mostly controlled it with Valium....but i find myself looking at 'normal' ppl and wanting to be exactly like them more and more just lately, i have four kids and feel they have missed out on so much,we dont do family holidays (i wouldn't cope) i cant use public transport and dont drive so we never go into the major towns unless its with my mum who over the years has become some kind of security blanket (kind of sad and confusing to have to rely on your mum so heavily at the age of 34 with a family of your own) the sad thing is she only has a limited time left to live so as well as the stress of having to deal with that i find myself selfishly worrying how my life will be after this happens, a major setback last week almost left me housebound again....So yesterday was the day i decided no more! Forced myself to go somewhere i knew would almost certainly bring up those horrible horrible feelings.....and coped..just (with the help of my mum who promised that she would turn the car around and take me straight home if i felt i needed to go)

Anyways have been reading through your site and felt compelled to join, would be nice to have some contact with people who are going through the same thing instead of feeling like an outcast :)

milly jones
12-07-08, 18:16
hi hunny

glad u decided to join us xx

hope u find support and friendship here as i do.

i take meds hun, despite the side effects, as they are far less than the anx itself. its personal choice i realise that.

welcome to nmp

milly xxx

12-07-08, 20:23
thankyou :) figured i'm going to try them tomorrow, have read so many negative comments about them it sort of scared me, then tried to convince myself that i'd taken diazepam and managed for ages on them that to try something new would be no hardship, just worried that they'll zombify me :unsure: But i guess i wont know until i try

12-07-08, 20:51
Hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Im sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment and im so so sorry your mom is unwell. Your meds may well give you some side effects to start with or they may not give you any at all, everyone is different. some meds normally take up to 6 wks to start feeling the benifits of them so if you do start them give them time to work.
keep posting as its good to talk about things and i realy hope we can be of some help to you. We also have a great chat room where you can talk to ppl about things or just have a giggle,so i hope to talk to you soon.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


12-07-08, 21:45
hiya and welcome to nmp, despite your problems you come across as a very strong person and deciding to do wot u did and doing it proves that. sometimes in order to change we have to face our demons and u will get there. im so sorry about your mum though must be very hard. anyway u will get loads support and advice her and make new friends. this site really will help to make u more confident to so stuff,as u will find out as u talk to more people. hugs xxx

13-07-08, 00:19
Guys, thanks so much, i really appreciate it, i dont think i'm a strong person, i've just come to a point in my life where enough is enough and i dont want to be a victim anymore, these damned attacks have controlled where i go, when i go and with whom for 17 years, and i want my life back:winks:
I hopefully star a CBT course next week as well as the new meds, tried cipramil and seroxat back when they first started and in all honesty didn't have any luck with either of them...which i guess is why i'm so paranoid about feeling zombified when i start taking the Mirtazipine

Anyway thank you so much for being there and if i can help anyone else out in any way then feel free to pm me :yesyes:

13-07-08, 00:23
Hi Angelic One,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


13-07-08, 00:34
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

13-07-08, 14:02
Hello Angelic One And Welcome........wish Ya Well........linda

13-07-08, 21:25
Hi Angelic and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

13-07-08, 22:22
Hi Angelic

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help