View Full Version : MS worry (please help)

12-07-08, 19:52
hi everyone, i have been slightly better with my health anx lately but today something has set it off again, when i was at work i kept dropping money and i also have felt a couple of twinges in my hand and i'm in a real panic and i'm really scared i might have MS. any ideas if it could be MS?
Please Please reply ASAP
Many Thanks

12-07-08, 22:58
I think just about everyone on here and world over has days where they are very clumsy and drop everything - in me it tends to be hormonal thing. If you had MS you would get much more severe symptoms than this believe me.

Take care

13-07-08, 20:02
Maybe you were stressed and juttery due to anxiety and that is why you drop things... Try to relax by engaging yourself in an activity. Do yard work, help friends, take neighborhood children to a waterpark... Be a busy bee, it really helps...

13-07-08, 21:56
seems like twitches and the jitters are really very often a sign of anxiety, so try not to worry! I tell myself this a lot too! You are not alone in this type of worry, but I know you are most likly very okay! :)

14-07-08, 00:36
Ive said this before but in all my anxiety health issues Ive only had fleeting moments of worrying about MS, and thats more of a "will i get it" than have i got it, i think this is down to my aunt suffering from it and me seeing her go through the stages, yes you do drop things with MS in the beginning but you do with stress too, your concentration isnt the best at these times, I drop stuff all the time, my memory is terrible and I have problem with my eye at the moment and yet I still dont worry about MS.

please dont worry, I know thats easier said than done, but im sure you dont have MS.

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