View Full Version : Dvt (again sorry), high blood pressure, swelling

12-07-08, 20:14
sorry for asnotherr dvt thread, but at the moment this is my biggest worry i'm convincede, i'm going to die of a blood clot moving to my heart or brain, or suddenly be riushed to hosptial with a pulmonarey embolism

i went to the doctors thursday, she seemed farely fed up to see me again, told her i had swelling on my wrists and feet and neck. told her i've been having pumping sensations, sudden pain, coolnes and burning in my left leg,
the other week, i had terrible back pain and kidney pain which was deemed a kidney infection.

now the swelling in my hands and feet has gone down a touch, swelling in the neck is still present both sides, and i keep getting these sensations in my left leg, they get a bit better when i walk mainly come on when i lie down. im so worried, my sister had a dvt when she was my age.

the pains are still thier, couldnt sleep the other night, mainly through worry.

thoughts anyone, dvt? should i go to the hosptial or doctors.

i've also been getting groin and back pain recenlty, aswell as some chest pains.

12-07-08, 20:16
doctor didn't check my neck at all, and just prescribed me ace inhibtors.

Cathy V
12-07-08, 20:58
Hi Hendey, sorry i might have missed it but which bit is the worry about high blood pressure? i have this (hypertension) as do some of the other members, so if you want to ask anything about this too please do.

Best wishes
cathy xxx :)

12-07-08, 21:14
my worry is about having a dvt, also the meds, i was prescribed i havent started yet.

Cathy V
12-07-08, 21:20
The heading on your thread states high blood pressure?

12-07-08, 22:45
If you have had a kidney infection then you will have fluid retention which will explain your swelling, that will go down as your kidneys get better.


12-07-08, 23:22
early, had lots of pain in groin area, now excurutiing back pain, like i had the other week with the so called kidney infection, could this be a pulmonrey embolism or a moving blood clot. please anybody?

12-07-08, 23:57
i have groin pain and back pain too.

I am overweight which may account for the back pain and I have chrones disease as well.

It is not a moving blood clot - why would you think that?

13-07-08, 00:13
it's just what with all the wierd pumping sensations in my leg and pain, i thought it might be a PE (i.e moving clot), i'm thinking it's more likely kidney infection again, but it's come on really quick, i got really sort of burning back pain, and fever now.

13-07-08, 00:40
Why not go to docs for reassurance?

13-07-08, 17:15
I think the signs for DVT include extreme jabbing pain, swelling redness and a breathlessness. I have worried about it too. My dr. did some kind of pulse index test, taking my pulse at my wrists and ankles and adding my blood pressure into the equation. I was also assessed in terms of risk factors (smoker? family history? take birth control pills), none of which I had, so my doctor said I was fine. The thing that made me feel better was going to a chiropractor who worked on determining my pain which was lower back stiffness causing nerve pain in my leg and foot. If you don't want to see your GP, so to your physical therapist or chiropractor for reassurance. I am sure you will be fine. I was extremely worried a few weeks ago and now I'm much better--and still here! :)