View Full Version : Panic

St George
13-07-08, 05:10
I am having I believe panic attacks a strange sensation inside my chest followed by hot flush along with stabbing pains all over my body. The first one was going dizzy feeling faint again after a sensation like indigestion this one i went straight to hospital. have had two more of them since although not as severe. Is this expected?

13-07-08, 09:25
panic attacks and anxiety cause all sorts of strange symptoms i remember when mine first started and i thought i was having a heart attack, have you been the docs to tell him/her how you are feeling

di xx

13-07-08, 15:32
Did they tell you at the hospital it was panic? If so then it is defintely normal. Panic attacks can cause major symptoms. Check out the symptom list to the left. My best advice is to first start off with making sure you are getting daily exercise. Also learn breathing and relaxation techniques. If that doesnt seem to help then revisit your doctor and discuss the possibilty of medication. This forum is a great place to start. Huge hugs.

13-07-08, 19:40
If you are not diagnoised yet, go to your doctor. They run a lot of tests to rule out other things like blood sugar related problems, lung and heart problems. If you are diagnoised, yes those are expected... Everyone experiences their panic differently, and severity changes from one person to another. But there are some similarities. Just try not to get scared from the symptoms. They cannot harm you. I know they are difficult to cope with at the time, but at the end you cannot be harmed from them.

St George
15-07-08, 14:17
I am having tests at the moment I have not been diagnosd but have had lots of different doctors telling me its panic and stress however the tests are routine to rule out anything else I have had an appointment with the tia clinic who said it is not a stroke I have had high blood pressure at hospital but normal at the doctors and have reccently had a echograph and heart monitor which i am waiting to see the doctor about. Its just never ending.