View Full Version : Cruising for a cure!

26-04-05, 19:15
Hi all

Just to let you know that I am off on a 3 night cruise next week so I will be away from Monday (2nd May) until Thursday (5th May).

If you need any help with password resets etc then please contact Meg, Sal or Sarah (seh1980) and I am sure they will be pleased to help - as they always do.

I can't say I am exactly looking forward to it and I have no idea whether I even like cruising but I had to give Alex a well deserved break and as I hate flying I thought this would be a BIG challenge for me and a break for him.:) I just hope I find my sea legs and cope well with it. I am stocked up with Rescue Remedy in case!

Please send me positive thoughts cos at the moment I am suffering anticipatory anxiety and I am very very nervous:( This is heading into unknown territory for me and of course I am trying to be positive and upbeat about it and I am working at changing those thoughts into positive ones (not always successful though)!

Send all those vibes my way next Monday when we set sail at 6pm.

Thanks all and I may be able to post from the ship to let you know how it is going.


26-04-05, 20:01
You'll be fine nic you know better than most that anticipatory anxiety is so much worse than anything you would experience when you actually get there, I know you'll be fine.

Goodluck Nic
Have fun!:D

Maxine x

26-04-05, 20:09
Nic I am sure you will love it. nothing like flying you can dance go anywhere and plenty of drink to calm you down need be? hope u enjoy. tc. vernon

26-04-05, 20:29
Nic you will ove it.

I went on a 3 day one in augist and its great, I was sad when it was over!

have an absolytly fantastic time :D

Tatty B xx

26-04-05, 20:45
Thanks Max, Vern and Tatty

I just have no idea how I will be. I get nervous flying and I have done that, I get nervous driving over bridges and I have done that. This is just the unknown as I have not done it before and I think even a "normal" non-sufferer would be nervous but as usual we get heightened anxiety over new things.

I really hope I am ok and thanks for the support - I appreciate it.


26-04-05, 21:12
Hi Nic,
You will be absolutely fine, a bit nervous, but so would anyone doing something unknown to them, as you know it's the big build up that makes us worse, you have managed so much and this will be another great big feather in your cap! you will love it, take care. My thoughts are with you for 6 p.m Monday (i actually wish i was with you) don't think Alex would appreciate that! enjoy. xxxxxjean.

26-04-05, 21:29
Hope you have a great time Nic!! I will be sending positive vibes your way hun. :D

26-04-05, 22:10
hey nic,
wow, a cruise sounds amazing! have never been on one but i imagine boats are better than planes - lots of room to run about etc.
i really hope you have a good time, will be thinking of you!

26-04-05, 22:17
Ah Nic have a brilliant time you'll love it,
i,d much rather do that than fly
have a great time all the best xxx

kairen x

26-04-05, 22:22
Hi Nic

Alex and you both deserve the break. I hope you have a great time and i have no doubt that you will be fine mate.

Chill out and enjoy your time away from it all with Alex.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-04-05, 22:23
Hope you have a great time Nic. We all know anticipatory anxiety is often worse than the actual event.

Will be thinking of you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-04-05, 22:30

We're all really rooting for you on this one ..

Remember..... 24/7. I mean it

xx Meg xx

27-04-05, 09:42
wow a cruise...
i cant do planes but boats/ships are very different as you are not confined to being inside and can walk around etc as you wish...
have a really good time you deserve it...
im sure you will love it once you are on there and on your way...
will be thinking of you monday
have a great time :D

27-04-05, 12:17
Ahoy there!

Have a good time Nic. Just don't be walking any planks :D


27-04-05, 14:28
hi Nicola,

just to say I went on a cruise a few years back and was also nervous.. but there is surprisingly so much to do and if you go on the deck outside you get such a sense of freedom and wonderful fresh air! I'm sure you will be fine, just think about how pleased with yourself you will be when you come back!!

I'm sure you could probably indulge yourself in a massage on board too!!

take care,


27-04-05, 15:25
Hi Nicola,
Wow a cruise....time away....bliss...
Sending you loads of positive thoughts..Have a lovely time. You'll have to tell us all about it when you get back.
Take care

with good wishes


27-04-05, 17:22
Hi Nic Hun,

You will do great I know you will mate. [Yeah!]

Yep i know how horrible that anticipatory anxiety is [Duh!] but i'm sure it will ease as you set sail. Don't worry hun i'm sure even a non sufferer would feel anxious doing something that they hadn't done! [:O]

I will be thinking of you and sending you bucket loads of PMT (POSITIVE MENTAL THOUGHTS) :D :D :D :D :D

If you need any reassurance just call me any time mate! ;)

I hope you both have a wonderful time [Yes!]

Take good care,



27-04-05, 18:51
Ahhhh Thanks all for the positive thoughts and wishes of luck.[8D]

I really want to enjoy it so I am going to be as positive as I can. I am hoping that once on board I will soon settle down and enjoy it.

I appreciate all the comments and support so thanks all :)



28-04-05, 09:41
Hi Nic

You and Alex have a wonderful time, you will be fine once you're on board. Positive thoughts coming your way.

Take care


28-04-05, 15:22
Have a brilliant time, Nic and Alex,

Love Kate xx

28-04-05, 22:44

Once aboard you will be fine mate. You are with Alex and on your holiday and you deserve it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-04-05, 18:53
Feeling terrible today. I know it is just thoughts and I am winding myself up but I went out shopping and felt awful all day - very anxious and on edge.

I just want it to be Monday now cos this lead up is a killer.

Need to sit and read some old posts about thoughts etc to remind me that it is all in the mind.

On the plus side I got a lovely dress and jacket to wear for the captain's dinner on the Tuesday night so at least I will look the part.


29-04-05, 19:38
hi Nic,

Sorry to hear you are feeling anxious. That's normal though as Monday is approaching. Besides the anticipatory anxiety can often be the worst kind. You will be fine once the cruise starts and won't want it to end!! Your dress sounds lovely and I'm sure you will look great!!

Sarah :D

29-04-05, 21:11
Hi Nic

Sorry you're not feeling too good today. The build up to something like this is often worse than when the event comes round. I hope reading the old posts helped. I'm sure you will be fine when Monday arrives.

The new dress sounds great and you'll definitely look the part for the Captain's dinner!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-04-05, 22:59
Hi Nic

Sorry you are getting chewed over it, remember we all do, make it worse than it really is!!!

Pleased you got some nice clothes.

You will be fine mate, if you want to talk before you go away call me. You can do it and you will have a great time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

30-04-05, 18:54
Just got a call from Thomsons - the cruise has been delayed so we are now going on Tuesday and only for 2 nights and we are only going to France and not Guernsey :(

The good news is that they have refunded the total cost of the cruise so that is a bonus[:P]

Oh well not a lot we can do as we knew it was a "staff special offer" and that things may go wrong!


30-04-05, 19:07
Bugger Nic but at least you get a 2 days cruise for free - nice one!! :D

30-04-05, 19:28
O not long now nic
Yes its the greatone with her sympathy he he
can think why you feel panicy Its only a boat trip ( O sigh )
[Sigh...][8)] anyway cant be any harder than playing sardines in a can
lol from herSUpreemgreatness

30-04-05, 19:37
Hi Nic
I understand that you should come to Aunt Su for boating advice
( i cant help being so wise ) [8D]
Ok so your on a boat , check out the seaman after alex has come
(on board you pervs ) Now after you been around the boat find a very high class gift shop ( no doubt you will wanna buy me a pressy )
they got bars and internet [8D] what more you want woman ?
If you get shaky ask Al to take the pictures we dont want them all blurry
Always be nice to the captain , that way you will get a better rubber jacket [8D] from Aunt Su

ps SUwhiplash says sod the panic get ya knickers off whip in hand have fun or else

30-04-05, 19:40
LOL Su - thanks for your expert advice as always.

I am sure I will find a lovely sailor to calm me down and I bet there is a gift in the shop with your name all over it [:P]

Pity we are only going to France now cos I wanted to go to Guernsey and see the cows!!

I will text you when I panic su!


30-04-05, 19:45
What would you do without Su, huh Nic?? lol :D

30-04-05, 22:21
Hi Nic

It's a shame the cruise has been shortened and you're not going to Guernsey.

Good news that it is now free though and it will still be a good experience for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-04-05, 22:27
Hey Nic

Hope u will enjoy it ..... You can invite me if you need a translator [:P]:D.

All the best !


**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

01-05-05, 17:03
Thanks Flo and Karen

At least if I don't like it I only have 2 nights to suffer[:I]

Just another day to prepare now [:P]


02-05-05, 17:04
Hi Nic,

sorry you're having to stew another day but the cruise is now just a few hours away and the weather is gorgeous, isn't it? I hope that is perking you up.

Be positive and think of that £200 - don't spend it ALL at Su's gift shop!

(((BIG HUGS)))

Catch you later mate,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

02-05-05, 17:14
Well I am all packed now ready Ray.

We are leaving at 12 pm tomorrow so think of me at 6pm tomorrow night when we set sail.


02-05-05, 17:28
Hi Nic

All the best for tomorrow !!! Will think of you !! [8D]


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

02-05-05, 21:05
Hi Nic

Have a lovely time.
I'll be thinking of you and know that you will be fine

Take care

Bon Voyage!!!

Elaine x

02-05-05, 22:25
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Nic.

You will be fine and I hope you have a good time.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-05-05, 22:47
Have a great time

loads o love



02-05-05, 23:28
have a great time nic!
henri x

03-05-05, 21:52
Just to report that Nic has cast off and is sailing on the high seas (ok dieseling I guess)

So far so good..

03-05-05, 22:06

Good news [^]


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

03-05-05, 22:53
Thought that I would send you all a quick message to say Hi and what on earth posessed me to come on a boat[:P]

I have discovered that I don't like boats and am counting the hours till we get off at France - only 6 to go!!! Not been sick but can't stand up straight!!

But I am here and look how sad I am sending you all a message from the Ship in the middle of the English Channel rocking all over the place!

Hope all is well on dry land![:O]


03-05-05, 22:58
Knew you'd find an internet point on there somewhere ..

Big Hug Hon.

03-05-05, 23:03
You're doing well Nic. Am thinking of you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-05-05, 11:44
Hi Nic....

Trust you to find an internet connection and post on here!! Hehe:D

I hope the cruise went well?

Tatty B xx

04-05-05, 11:48
Docked at 'Le Harvey' :D this morning at 05:30.

Nic woke me up at 05:30 to go and watch the ship dock then she managed to sleep when the boat stopped moving.

Captain has some party tonight which we are gonna gate crash so if nobody hears from us soon please come get us from the French jail !!

Off to 'sight see' the docks now ;)

Will check in again later



04-05-05, 12:12
aaawwww nice to hear from you guys!! :D

Have a great time!! [8D]

04-05-05, 15:24
Good to hear from both of you.

Come back in Chat soon, Vernon found the "Administrator" button and ruled with a rod of iron!

Bon Voyage!


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

04-05-05, 15:32
Have fun you two, Alex it's advisable not to sit too close to Nic while on the ferry!:D

04-05-05, 16:35
Hi Nic and Al
You bought my present yet ? :D
Watch that captain nic he will have you walking the plank
from suNOmates
whats the crew like tart ? :D[8D]
have you had
lots 0f seaman on your bed yet ?
from SUwhiplash

hi NIC ans AL
So shes been behaving then alex ?
I told her she would be ok ( o sigh )
With my advice what more can you want , [8D]
wow i look so sexy sitting here in my new undies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
( shut it ) If your buying me clothes as a present
remember im a size 10 ok ?
have fun from hseSUpreemgreatness [8D]:D

04-05-05, 16:38
PS you sure its the boat rocking nic >
you never do stand straight anyway LOL
Hows the bar ?????????????? :D

05-05-05, 14:52
I'm back !!![xx(] Oh how I missed dry land!

Ha bet you all missed me really. ;) I am going to create another post with all the details in but just wanted to say Thanks for all the support over this trip.

Su - the duty free shops were shut so we didn't even get any cheap booze for ouselves let alone that lovely pressie I saw in the shop window for you.[:O]

If you want to see some pics then go to www.nomorepanic.co.uk/cruise.htm

Will write the other post asap and catch up on all the new posts since Monday.



05-05-05, 15:00
aaaawwwww Nic - the pics are lovely!!

Glad you are back safe & well!! :D

05-05-05, 15:03

Its a much smaller boat than I thought . no wonder your felt the rocking .

Well done for going and getting through it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-05-05, 15:47
WELL DONE Nic!!![^][^][^][^]

You look lovely all ready for the captains dinner! You did great!!!

Love Kate xx

05-05-05, 16:28
Hi Nic

Pleased you had a good time. See you can do it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

05-05-05, 17:23
Hi Nic

Lovely photos, you did really well ! [8D]
Nice ship too.
Hope you enjoyed some of it.


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

05-05-05, 17:23
Well done Nic. I knew you could do it.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-05-05, 18:25
Hi Nicola,

Lovely photos.

You did well to get on that ship - Blimey, i couldnt! Well done!!