View Full Version : HI

13-07-08, 09:05
Well it all started with me feeling pressure in the side of my head, it seemed to get worse when i lay down. I then started getting really bad headaches, went to see quite a few doctors, one told me they were migraines, one told me they were tension headaches, one said it was chronic tension headaches and one said painc attacks.
Headaches start to get better i then start getting a stiff neck, feeling sick, dizziness and tingling down my face and arm. Went to the doctors again and got told im suffering from health anxiety.
I still dont believe it, im sure theres something more serious wrong with me but i suppose thats what health anxiety is!

At the moment i feel like ive got loads of pressure in my face and head, when i lie down it feels like a big weight holding my head down. I keep shaking but its like its invisble on the outside and only i know its happening. Ive got blocked ears that keep making crackling noises, they feel like they need to pop. I always feel like my muscles are really weak. Dose anyone else ever feel like this or have these feelings, i just feel like im the only one and its driving me mad!

13-07-08, 10:30
Wow I have had every symptom you have plus lots more and have spent years going from one hospital consultant to another having endless tests. It may be worth getting checked out by ent because of your ears but mine were completely normal even had mri of ears and still get all your symptoms.

I have a damaged spine and alot of my symptoms and constant pain is put down to that. I also think that I must have something seriously wrong with me because I feel so ill and have so much pain and weird sensations day after day.

I don't know which comes first the symptoms then the health anxiety or the health anxiety causes some symptoms combined with genuine medical conditions, but like you I constantly obsess that I have something wrong with me.

this is a great site and if you read lots of posts you will realise how we all think the same and we just cannot accept that anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms.

YOu have a choice you can do what I have done for past 15 yrs and go from one medical test to another ( not recommended) or you can try and accept anxiety can cause some of your symptoms.

I had very interesting expeirence last week - I have badly damaged neck and have had weird symptoms ain my neck and head and pain and vertigo for years. A year ago it suddenly improved as I was told it would as it starts to fuse itself ( interestingly the rest of my spine has decided to give me terrible oain and sensations??). I had a treatment at a chiropractor to try and help rest of my spine and had to lay face down on bed which put terrible strain on my neck - within hours I had every single neck/head/vertigo symptom that I had been worrying about for ever convinced i had brain tumour/ going to have stroke etc and every symptom was caused by neck strain!!!!!!!!!!!
I had been told over and over by drs that my symptoms were caused by my neck damage and wouldn't believe them always convinced something else terminal had to be causing them. It was as they say a lightbulb moment!

13-07-08, 15:29
Try as much stretching and relaxation exercises as you can. Neck pulls can cause ALOT of symptoms. Mine made my one side of my face go numb and I was terrified. Lots of shoulder rolls help. Also try a bath with epsom salts, it will relax you completely. If possible book a massage. I think all of us with Health Anxiety should have massages, they work wonders. This forum is a great supportive place to be and I hope it makes things easier on you