View Full Version : Unnerved

13-07-08, 19:13
Hope you don't mind me posting again...just wanted to tell you about something that happened today which has upset me. I was round at my parents this afternoon, and chatting to both of them, had a good time with my mum and was teasing my dad as usual.
Anyway, my mum came up to see me in my room, looking upset. She said she had just been standing in the kitchen, talking to my dad, when suddenly she got a 'feeling', that she couldn't really describe, that he is going to die soon. She was really upset about it. She told me she had had a similar feeling about her mother shortly before she died. She said it was as though she suddenly felt 'he won't be here much longer'. I tried to reassure her and said it was probably just the result of worrying about him. He is 73, waiting for a hip replacement and is pretty unwell in a number of ways, although he is very stubborn and won't help himself, I have to force him to go the doctor.
The fact of the matter is, though, now I am worried! Does anyone know anything about these sort of premonitions/presentiments?

13-07-08, 19:44
Sorry, maybe this isn't an appropriate thing to post about, I don't know, but I just feel anxious and upset now (just for a change). hope I haven't upset anyone. xxx

Cathy V
13-07-08, 20:48
Well, i guess it wouldnt be the sort of thing youd expect to be talking about with your mum, and you're bound to be upset but i think its probably more of coincidence that your grandmother died after your mum had those 'feelings'.

If your grandmother was ill anyway, then maybe it was expected? You say your dad also has health problems, so its probably natural for your mum to be thinking in this way. What she shouldnt really have done was pass this off on you as a 'premonition', sorry dont mean to talk badly about your mum, but i wouldnt have said put this thought into my daughters head.

Please dont worry about your dad. He is still fairly young and has probably got plenty more years ahead of him :D

Take care
Cathy xxx

13-07-08, 21:48
Thanks Cathy. Yes, my poor grandma had cancer, she'd had it for fifteen years before she died. I do wish she hadn't told me really,but I don't blame her because she doesn't have anyone else to confide in. She did say she was sorry if she'd upset me but she wanted to get it off her chest. I guess you're right, it's probably because his health is such a concern to everyone, he's a bit of a 'creaking gate'.
Today's been a tough day generally today, my sister has been on the phone to me for ages crying because she's lonely and isolated (she lives in London, a long way from me) and I felt awful because I couldn't help her. She is 32 and single. Today she had been to visit a friend of hers who has a new baby, and this had upset her. She was crying, telling me that she remembers the day I was born (she was three) and how excited she was to have a baby sister. She said that she wished she could go back in time and try to make her life turn out better. I felt so terribly upset for her, I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm basically the emotional sounding board in my family, I'm the one everyone talks to about stuff and it's exhausting.
Anyway, thanks for replying! :flowers:

13-07-08, 21:58
hiya please dont worry your mum is just worrying and got her self into a state hun, although telling u about that is not really good idea cos then it makes u worry hun. your dad will be just fine hugs xxxxxx

13-07-08, 22:51
You're right, thanks Donna.... you'd never guess anxiety and depression run in my family, would you?! xxx