View Full Version : hello AGAIN!

26-04-05, 22:29
HELLO, im having a bit of a weird time. ok i dont seem to have panics any more (well no where near as severe as before) but i do worry. i worry about everything. am i losing it, how do i feel. it especially gets worse when im stressed, i constantly feel; will i have a nervous breakdown this time?! (havent yet yey) but it scrares me to death. at the monent im going through a difficult time with my bf, but i dont know what i want, then i think because im so stressed, numb and anxious, am i thinking straight?
do i want him, am i demanding things? to feel more, when its the anxiety numbing it all? i still take tablets which as some may know have virtually stopped any sex life we had. im just lost and lonely. it does my head in constantly thinking of my thaughts and feelings, how am i feeling, is my breathing still ok, am i going to go mad today or what? i know ive had polenty of reasurrance but each time i get stressed i think can i cope with any more????:(

26-04-05, 22:35
Hi Kimmy

How you are feeling is quite normal when suffering from anxiety. I know it isnt nice questioning your sanity all the time and if you are going to lose it but i am like you and when i am anxious my thoughts go straight to that.

It is nothing more than that and if you were losing it hun you wouldnt be conscious of the fact, it is just the stress and anxiety playing on your mind and making you question how you feel.

I am sorry you are having not a great time with your boyfriend but step back from it and see if it is down to him and you or just how you are feeling at the moment hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-04-05, 22:43
thanx sal, its scary to feel this way. i do love him and i know he loves me, we do have a family too. thats y im scared im pushing him away, but i wouldnt of lasted this long with himxxxx

27-04-05, 00:13
Hi Kimmy

Times are tough for you but you will get through them, so dont push him away and leave it all to yourself. You say you love him and he loves you, work on it hun and you will come out of how you feel and when you stuggle i hope we can help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-04-05, 09:05
hi Kimmy,

Sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. As Sal, says the way you are feeling is very normal amnongst us anxiety sufferers. My sex life was pretty much non-existant while I was on Cipralex and that can add strain to a relationship. You will get through this hun - we are all here for you!!

Sarah :D

27-04-05, 10:33
I went on cipralex and the wife stopped wanting sex not me

27-04-05, 13:00

27-04-05, 15:14
Hi Kimmy:)

I was exactly like you yesterday...I kept questioning myself am I having a nervous breakdown, am I strange, why have I had these feelings for this long(Im 26 now have suffered Pa's since being a teenager!). It is just anxiety again worrying about worrying of losing it....but you never actually do!(theres my bit of CBT for the day!ha ha. Hope you and boyf sort stuff out :)

Love XKirstyX

27-04-05, 15:21
Kimmy. Im the same as yourself feeling you are going crazy because of all the things in your head. It gives your anxitety something to feed on wich in return gives you these weird body feeling. ie breathing probs sore arms chest head etc ect.Then they turn into panic attacks. Then you get the feeling there is something real wrong with you.Sit your partner down and explain to him him how you feel and what is going on with you that day.Even better get him to read some storys of other people on this forum. He may then understand how and what you are going through.myself and my husband are going through it aswell Have been for three year since i lost my son..we sometimes has sex but not very often. as im always got something wrong with me..But as my husband says sex is not every thing. And if i didnt love you i would have left when this illness first started. You partner is probaly as scared as you are.Just talk to him..hope you start to feel better soon.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 17:39
Hi Kimmy, :D

Sorry you feel so bad at the mo.

I know how you feel I am a born worrier also. Thats what heightens are anxiety. [Ugh]

When I had my CBT I was told I was only allowed to have half an hour worry time a day. So I had to choose a time then get all my worries out in that half hour. Once it was over any worry that came in my head I had to push it out until the next day! Well one day I was so engrossed in doing something that I missed my worry time slot! Can you guess what I did? Yep Worry as I forgot to worry! [Duh!] [:P] LOL Seriously though it did help a bit and put it into perspective just how much I do worry! [Oops!][Sigh...]

I do hope you feel better soon. Try not beat yourself up over this and try NOT to let your thoughts control you! I appreciate it isn't easy im still practicing!!!! [Yeah!]

Take Care, ;)


27-04-05, 22:35
i think everybidy on here are absolutly amazing people, the fact you spend time to help and support people brings a smile to my face :)

27-04-05, 22:53
Kimmy you are brave aswell by writting your probs and worrys down so other people can read them.That is the start better talking about it rather than building them up inside.You seem like a nice person . And every one here is great they help you when you need it.Even if you just need a chaT. I only joined late april and feel better now that i have help from other people that have walked my walk..So you take care.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

28-04-05, 23:21

We are here for you and whatever advice you need we will help you.

Dont go through this alone hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.