View Full Version : I am Harlan and I am new here.

13-07-08, 19:33
I am harlan i live in California, I am new here i have extreme panic anxiety just off the wall totally for the past two months. I am 64 male married w 5 children. I came to visit and learn some an maybe be able to chat. Thank you for letting me post. I have lots of new issues maybe someone can help with and i would like to chat too.


Cathy V
13-07-08, 19:36
Hi harlan and welcome to nmp, good to meet you. You're in the right place to talk about your anxiety and fears so go right on ahead anytime.

Small steps
Cathy V xxx :)

13-07-08, 20:22
Hi Harlan

Welcome to the site and dont worry, you're among some very similar people now!! No one will judge you here!!

We are all going through it or recovering from it, so just get things off your chest when you feel ready.

:yesyes: Moo xx

milly jones
13-07-08, 20:30
hi harlan

welcome to nmp

hope u find support here

lots of thoughts milly xxx

13-07-08, 20:44

I wish I found this site while I was coping with my anxiety... I don't get attacks anymore but I had very extreme cases, where I was completly stiff, and all my fingers, toes, jaw locked, as I was shaking like having a seziure... See there are a lot of people here like us. Nothing to worry about, you are not alone. Don't get scared and think the worst. Everything is going to be OK :)

13-07-08, 21:34
Hi Harlan and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

15-07-08, 22:30
Member asked to be removed.