View Full Version : 8 years after trauma...

13-07-08, 22:28
ok... Last year I had 9 months of panic/anxiety attacks... I am not having anything for the past 6 months and am off of my medicine for a month and a half now. Everything seems to go well... But I have a question... Can PTSD trigger anxiety and panic attacks? And can you get PTSD after 8 years of a trauma (even if you had shock theraphy for a couple of months for grief process)?

13-07-08, 22:33
hi hun, i dont know wot u been through but i would think anyone who has been through a trauma can get anxiety panic flashbacks dep etc etc at anytime even like u say after 8 years i would have said mayb have some more counselling for this but i not been in this situation so im sorry if i not very helpful. i want to send u a hug anyhow hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-07-08, 22:34
:) thnx...

13-07-08, 22:37
:hugs: no probs hope u feel better soon hun

27-07-08, 09:15

I had serious motorcyle accident (i nearly lost my life, infact, in my mind I can still have that feeling of letting go of my life, even now) when I was 18, over 20 years ago, I have been diagnosed with PTSD.

It is a form of chronice anxiety. So yes, PTSD increases our sensitivity to triggers, even years after the trauma.


The above site has some good videos, I am sure this is the site where I downloaded a lecture on PTSD and this PHd professor said in all his medical experience he had seen nothing like PTSD and its effects. By that he was saying that PTSD effects all our pyscho-biological processes, and can place us on a 'hair trigger'. It effects and disrupts all our mechanisms that we use for survival. Is no wonder we have nightmares, social issues, health problems, mental health problems, interpersonal relationship issues.

PTSD has, and still does effect my life.

We have to learn coping skills. (I use CBT, relaxation techniques, and natural calming supplements)

To be ware of our problems is the key. Is when the problem has us, when we are consumed by the emotion, pain.

Know thyself


27-07-08, 16:46
I still get flashbacks from something that happened 40 years ago. Though they remind me of something unpleasant, they don't cause me any anxiety.


eternally optimistic
27-07-08, 23:00
Hi Dave

Like you, twenty years this year, I was involved in a fatal car crash which killed three young people, all under 20, I was 20 myself.

I think alot of my anxiety problems stem back to then as I am told my mum, in the nicest possible way, that I was never the same after that.

I was traumatised in a way that others will never know. If I didnt have such a great family I would have never made it, I think.

I never had any counselling at the time, wasnt the thing to do, not available - I dont know. It would have helped.

I destroyed my personality in many ways and was probably desperate to have an outlet for my sadness and grief for the other familes. It was a horrible horrible time and I think it has never left me.

I hope you get on with life and manage to deal with everything as best as you can.


03-08-08, 19:33
I destroyed my personality in many ways and was probably desperate to have an outlet for my sadness and grief for the other familes. It was a horrible horrible time and I think it has never left me.


I agree with that. I too feel a large part of me died that night. PTSD is normal reaction to an abnormal event.

I have had tons of therapy now. Guess it has helped. I try to accept now and let go of all the emotion...(that way it has no grip over me)

all the best


09-08-08, 01:32
Yes, PTSD will almost always lead to some form of anxiety. And panic attacks are quite normal when you mentally or physically re-experience the trauma.

23-08-08, 17:20
yes, PTSD can occur even after more than 20 years of a traumatic event taking place. And PTSD can cause anxiety and panic attacks due to what ever you may have experienced.
