View Full Version : Symptoms

21-05-03, 21:06
Hi...I've been free of Panic Attacks for some years now but have started having palpatations and eractic heart beats. Does anyone else suffer from this?
I've had numerous ECGs and even seen 2 Heart Specialists who have given me the all clear.
I am finding them very distressing and am now waiting for them to happen. I am beginning to feel anxious about them even though I've been reassured there is nothing wrong with me.
If anyone has or has had similar then I'd be really pleased to know .
Hoping to hear from someone.....

21-05-03, 22:41
Hi Lizzie,
I've had palpatations, eractic heart beats and chest pains. Sometimes I've a punding heart for days! It's horrible I really feel for you, but it does go away. Even when I had it though I was trying so hard to relax but it just woudn't stop. Be patient , relax your best try some slow breathing exercises etc. (breathing with your belly, slow counts of 4 through your nose, or breath in through your nose and out with your mouth this sometimes works. Hope you feel bettter soon.

22-05-03, 19:28
Hi Rachel
Many thanks for your reply.It is comforting to know that someone else has experianced this too and that it's gone away.
I do practice my relaxation every day but find that I am focussing too much on my heart beat and therefore I now keep as busy as I can so I'm not feeling it.
I feel sure it is anxiety related but as much as I've learnt about coping with anxiety,this time I can't seem to help myself overcome it.
I will hang in there though.......Lizzie

22-05-03, 22:10
I also find that keeping busy really helps. + Exercise makes you happy. It's good to focus your mind else where. Ive had the heart thing for days I thought it would never go, it does though, I ignored it/ relaxed etc. Hope you get better real quick. All the best. xxx Rachel

23-05-03, 20:02
Thanks Rachel.It's great to have your support.I will let you know how things go.Take care......Lizzie

26-05-03, 22:16
Has anyone experienced a numbness or tingling in their face as a result of anxiety, I have had palpatations, shortness of breath, a poor sense of balance and am aware these are regular symptoms but I am worried over the sensations I feel in my face, it is strangely just on one side, my doctor isn't too concerned. I only get it when i think to myself that I haven't experienced it for a while and then it happens. I have come a long way with dealing with my panic attacks and have been prescribed beta blockers and I see a psychologist every fortnight. I still worry that I am seriously ill because I still experience symptoms. Has anyone else felt like this?
I hope to hear from someone

27-05-03, 17:52
Hi Elizabeth
I used to get cold tingling sensations in my face when I was about to have a panic attack. Mainly in my nose and around my hairline (and fingers and toes). I dont get them much anymore, just the other symptoms instead! Maybe as you only get the feeling when you think about it means it is just another symptom of anxiety and nothing more sinister. Anyway i'm rambling, hope this helps.

04-06-03, 16:16
Hello to you all - my symptoms vary! Like Sarah - I have a weird sensation in my nose, I have tingling in my hands, just before a panic attack! When this happens, I try and do some brathing exercises, which nearly all the time helps. The palpations are the worse, it feels like you are going to have a heart attack, and like Lizzie, I have had an E.C.G, just to rule anything sinister out.

Jo (2)


05-06-03, 13:02
Just recently i have been to the docs on a regular basis as i feel tight in the throat (adams apple) then i get tightness and tingling in my jaw which radiates from one side to the other, is this a part of the symptoms? The pain is like when you are trying not to cry.

05-06-03, 20:48
Lizzie. Hi. I get the eratic heart beats (known as pvc's) it's where the heart doesn't completely empty before refilling and it feels as though your heart is actually skipping a beat, as well as i also get the sensation that my heart is like 'fluttering strongly' but if i check my pulse, that isn't what it's doing at all. i have found that caffiene and diet aides contribute to this problem..... unfortunately for me, i'd rather continue with both - so when it gets bad enough, maybe i'll cut all that out! ha! JUST REMEMBER, YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!:D

06-06-03, 07:35
Hi Lewelen...I too check my pulse and have had to stop as it was making me worse.My eractic heart beat is,I think,an ectopic beat.Is that the same as your pvc's ? I've had it on and off for some years,more than I care to remember.This time I can't seem to make it go away.The Doc wouldn't give me anything for it,said it wasn't doing me any harm but I do find it very distressing especially at night when my whole body seems to jolt with this ectopic heart beat!!!
Do you have yours all the time and do you take anything to help
with it?
Thanks so much and yes it's good to know I'm not alone....Lizzie

17-06-03, 08:22
Every now and again I get a sharp pain under my left or right breast, sometimes it is after I have been sitting funny but other times it comes for no reason, I don't really want to bother my doctor again, as I seem never to be away from there, It hurts when I breathe/ bend down for about ten minutes and them goes away.
I have been taking rennies when I get the pain, after which the pain does subside I don't know whether this is a coincidence or it is heart burn, or it is the beta blockers or indeed the anxiety itself?
Has anyone experienced this, I would welcome your thoughts.

19-06-03, 21:41
I used to get a lot of chest pains Elizabeth but they also co-incided with a car accident so the doc put it down to that. When they carried on I got worried but the doc said was just the panic.

Let me quote you something here from my site ...

One of the most worrying symptoms is chest pains or a tight feeling in your chest. The immediate thought is "heart attack" or "stroke" and this only worries you more. You may also notice that your heartbeat is incredibly fast and again this leads to the worry that you will have a heart attack. There is no evidence that Panic and anxiety has any adverse effect on the heart and the pains are easily explained. When you start panicking the whole of you body becomes tense and your muscles tense up also. This is also true of the heart as after all it is just another (albeit very important) muscle.

The chest pains are due to the constricting of the heart muscles and apparently the best cure is to start exercising and stretching these muscles to relieve the pain. Although you may not feel like doing any exercise whilst getting these pains, try stretching your arms above and behind your head and bending over gently to relieve the pain. If you are worried that it may be a heart problem, then make an appointment to see your G.P. you will be able to rule out any heart problems.

If your G.P. has given you the all clear then do not be alarmed if the chest pains come back and last for more than a day and you think it is related to panic, although it is painful and worrying, the pains will go away if you try gentle exercise and not think about them.

Hope this helps


20-06-03, 07:31
Thank you for your support, I'm visiting the doctors today for a check up like you he believes it is just the anxiety.
Thank you once again

15-07-03, 12:29
I have only had two PA's so far but on the second one I had a really weird feeling in my nose and my hands had pins and needles. Now I know that these are all common symptoms of a PA and hopefully will be able to remember this when and if I have another PA ! :)


17-07-03, 19:48

Just to let you know that I also get numbness in the left hand side of my head and face from time to time. I have been to the docs who has checked me out and given me the all clear, but it's like a vicious circle, the pain and stange feelings make me panic even more.


17-07-03, 20:44
If you have pins and needles or tingling in your extremeties, it's highly likely you are breathing too quickly during your anxiety attack - most people do - and are over oxygenated leaving the body with too little cardon dioxide.

You need to breathe gently into a Paper bag for about a minute .

23-03-15, 09:06
thanks for info