View Full Version : Fear "could" cost you your life

14-07-08, 02:40
When they talk of the causes of anxiety, the most common words used are worry, lack of confidence and fear but you never come across the word caring because although caring doesn’t cause anxiety, it can be part of fear.

When we live with fear as our close companion, fear can control our lives by making all our important decisions for us. Fear can become our boss! You will find it surprising how much fear can control us. Think of all the “what if’s” and worrying thoughts we have all day. They’re all created by fear.

For all my life I’ve lived with fear. From the moment I was born it seems I had a fear of being on my own because my mother tells me I’d scream if she wasn’t in sight and as a toddler follow her everywhere, even to sit outside the loo! Interestingly, she also told me recently that she too used to have a fear being left on her own and that her older sister would torment her.

As I grew older into my teens, I was very shy, my skin was bad with spots and I lacked a lot of confidence. As a result I never had a girlfriend and every night I would dream of simply holding a girls hand. It was only in my mid-twenties before I met a girl of similar age but she dumped me because she regarded me as too weak which looking back on was true because I’ve always been insecure.

My brothers and sister all left home by the time I was 12 and from then on I felt like an only child. My anxiety then became worse developing into health anxiety, toilet phobia, OCD and general anxiety etc. Fear became my daily companion affecting every aspect of my life..

When I eventually met my wife-to-be in my late twenties, once again my fear controlled my decisions. My future wife had recently come out of hospital after a period of paranoia so when I met her she was just beginning to learn to become part of society again.

I felt I could help her get better, not realising how serious her illness was and I couldn’t say “no” because I cared about her. However, my fear told me I might never meet a woman who could put up with my anxieties and I also believe it was my fear of not wanting to be alone when I knew one day I would lose my parents, that also made my decision for me. Looking back, I didn’t marry for the right reasons because I deluded myself into thinking I was marrying out of love when in fact I was marrying due to fear! In fact fear made me so anxious that we married within 9 months of our first meeting

However, her illness was so severe that I could never engage in conversation with her. Every question was answered with yes or no. Every sentence was a question about how should she be, how should she think, how should she behave and what person she should behave like. She would also constantly accuse me of planning things against her, of being someone else or working in another occupation, of the radio, tv or people in the street having a go at her and of me not defending her against them.

I would try to give her love but she had no empathy, compassion or emotion. Every attempt was pushed away with a question or an accusation. Romance, passion? What were those? There was none so how can I say I married out of love? I married because I was weak and because fear made my decision for me.

Marrying my wife did nearly literally cost me my life because we didn’t get any support in the early years and on top I was trying to work full time. It was too much. Eventually, I became suicidal and after seeing a psychologist, I was warned to either give up my job or my wife. However, once again fear made the decision for me. I couldn’t give up my wife because fear told me I couldn’t cope with the loneliness of being alone but that I could cope with giving up my job.

Of course though, by giving up my job I was then indoors every day with the daily pressures of my wifes illness. I trapped myself and fear prevented me from escaping. I started to self harm and take overdoses because fear told me there was no way out except in a box! Fear also told me I couldn’t hurt my wife and leave her on her own because I knew they would send her back into hospital. As I still am now, I was then too weak and I cared too much. I know people can’t understand me though. There are those who admire me for staying but also those who think I am crazy for staying. I agree with the latter myself because I know I’m too soft and too weak as that’s how I’ve always been.
I also know those who think I am crazy will tell me to make changes in my life so I can live “my” life but as we all know it’s not easy to confront our personal fears no matter how right we know the advice is. It is relatively easy to change a job but not so easy to change an ill wife and then live with your conscience when that word “caring” surfaces.

Fear nearly literally cost me my life but in reality fear “has” cost me my life because I allowed fear to make the decisions for me so allowed fear to trap me in a life without love and affection but I know I only have myself to blame for allowing fear to place in my trap and that if I’m not prepared to confront my fear then I have to accept the consequences of allowing fear to decide my future.

In a long winded way, I’m trying to say to others, be very careful what you base your decisions on because if you allow fear to be your decision maker, fear will only create a trap which “could” be even harder but not impossible, to break free from and therefore fear “could” as a result cost you your happiness in life.:hugs:

14-07-08, 08:56
I can relate so much to what you say about living with fear... I also feel that fear has made some of my big life decisions. I also liked what you said about caring too much. I feel that my sensitivity sometimes causes me to carry other peoples' burdens as well as my own.
Thanks, Bill, for an interesting post, and I'm sorry life has been so difficult for you in so many ways. xxx

14-07-08, 11:43
This was a very honest and open post Bill. I understand what you have been trying to say now that you have outlined what your early life was like,and how you have come to be in the situation you find yourself in.
I can relate to the notion that "fear could cost us our lives" because I live every day with the fear that something may happen to Gary. One of my counsellors that I once had ,said that my sort of phobia is very hard to treat because the thing that I am most frightened of could come true and will come true one day. I know that we all die eventually but the thought that one day I may have to live without Gary fills me with overwhelming panic. I feel guilty however when I read your post because I am lucky in the respect that if anything did happen I would have Emily to help me through wherea's a lot of folk don't have anybody,that thought doesn't bring a lot of relief sadly because one day (I hope) she will fly the nest and live her own life and hey presto I would be alone,so in a way I have a fear of being alone too. You once said that to keep someone close you deny them freedom and I know this is what makes Gary distressed and quick to judge sometimes. I can do whatever I like because he doesn't have it,but when he wants to go out there is a song and dance and this makes me feel so guilty. I have cried many many nights on my own because I feel that I am losing the battle with this fear that overwhelms me. I must admit that sometimes I can manage when he goes out alone but not very often and I know I don't fight it enough(I feel quite tearful writing this)but it gets so bad that I just give in.
Fear has ruled my life as a child too because I hated my parents going out without me(scared they wouldn't come back)I hated sleeping in my own room as our house backed onto a field and I was frightened of the wind(fear again) and I was frightened of a girl at school who picked up on this and bullyed me so I know where you are coming from.
It was a very interesting post Bill and as always your messages are informative and helpful and help us analyse why we perhaps do things we shouldn't.

milly jones
14-07-08, 13:07
hi bill, more hugs hun xx

i do agree that we are trapped by our fears and cautious worries.

there are loads of things that id like to do in my life but never had the courage to undertake.

im frightened of making friends in case they leave me, im scared of joining groups, im now very scared about going back to work again.

the thing i fear most is making the wrong decisions and that people will humiliate me for taking that chance. i find in work particularly the responsibilty of carrying daily decisions extremely stressful. i am very good at my job, but the head demons that laugh at me just never go away.

i guess my life is comfortable now, but sometimes i yearn to take a risk to find excitement, but my fears always seem to win.

my family spend hours doing extreme sports and i watch camera in hand laughing with them. i would never have a go cos they might laugh at me and i couldnt bear that. ive had a lifetime of humiliation, and cant bear anymore.

bill, ure a lovely bloke, and its not my place to comment on ur life, but could u find a little bit of 'me' time where u could escape to be bill the man, not the carer. praps there are some nmp members locally who u could go out with. i know this really helps me feel like a person, not a teacher/mum/wife, but milly the woman.

love mill xxx

14-07-08, 13:15
Thanks for sharing that with us Bill, I do hope this devil fear no longer rules your life and you can be happy.

This saying springs to mind....

Feel the fear....and do it anyway!

Usually I do live by this motto, I feel pretty scared about a lot of things but I do it anyway, but when I am having severely anxious blips (like now) the fear rules me and that motto goes by the wayside. Really we should remember that the terrible thing might never happen, and if it does, so what - things have a way of sorting themselves out.

Whats the worst thing? Feeling fear all the time or just doing it anyway and being glad that you did.

Love Jo x

milly jones
14-07-08, 13:36
good advice jo

just got to get the strength to do it

mill xx

15-07-08, 02:20
Whats the worst thing? Feeling fear all the time or just doing it anyway and being glad that you did.

Is there anyone here who would say they're Not a general worrier who still suffers anxiety? I'm curious because I think there are many variations to a theme so people can still suffer anxiety without being a general worrier.

I think worry plays a big part with fear. They combine their forces against us. How often do we want to do something that makes us feel too afraid to attempt because we start worrying about all the things that we think could go wrong?

Certainly building self confidence can help us to overcome our fears but I wonder, can a general worrier ever stop worrying? To do things "anyway" means to do things not only without fear but also without worrying about the consequences if things went wrong which I feel however is totally possible to achieve but I still think that if we are a worrier, we'll always find something to worry about.

However, I feel that although we may never stop ourselves worrying about things, we can learn how to not let our worries prevent us from doing what we want to do in the same way that we confront fear.

Also though I think fear can consume us making us feel So ill that it literally makes us think we Are ill which then makes us feel too incapable of confronting what is terrifying us because we feel we have no strength to fight back. It's only when we feel more relaxed that our confidence comes back so that we feel more capable to fight it.

A specific fear can be confronted more easily, especially when it involves something practical. For instance if we're afraid of dogs, we can be coaxed into overcoming our fear by getting us to "touch" a dog but when fear is contained within thoughts in our mind based on our past, I think it can take much longer to overcome because it's more complex.

People can still suffer fear without being a general worrier. For instance, would a general worrier consider putting their health at risk unless they were in despair? Their fear and worry combined would I suspect make them too afraid to risk their health even if there actually wasn't any risk such as in OCD. Having said that, I think there could be exceptions due to addictions.

I just think anxiety is very complex and it affects people in many different ways because we are all individuals with different backgrounds which is why no treatment package suits all. I also think it's why I find it so fascinating to listen to peoples individual stories because no story is the same even though the symptoms that result are.

Generally speaking though, I feel we can all learn to cope with our anxieties so that we can live a life without feeling constantly ill.:hugs:

15-07-08, 08:56
BIll........do you stay out of love and caring or do you stay because you fear feeling guilty for the rest of your life? There is such a sense of "i've made my bed so I'll lie in it' feeling running through your original post but at what personal cost to you?

The following comes from a book called Silent Voices... it's an anthology of contemporary romanian female poets. Your post reminded me of this poem...

Natural (Maria Banus)

You pull this way, I pull that
you're all flood and frenzy
I-all logic and melancholy

what a couple we make-oh God
what unnatural obscene coupling
a painting of laughter and dread

yet how splendidly
and with what demented art
are the details refined.

But you know what!? You still manage, eloquence, humility and amazing creativity despite it all and always afford time for others.

You take care Bill!

Pooh xxx

17-07-08, 02:18
"i've made my bed so I'll lie in it'

There is a lid I cannot move,
There is a darkness where no light shines through,
My image is of serenity,
Yet my mind is consumed with uncertainty,

To solve a puzzle with no key that exists,
To tame the hurting of the inner beast,
To open a gateway that is invisible to sight,
To be greeted by freedom with a painful bite,

When we are born we are free to roam,
As we grow older we gain knowledge to learn,
But obstacles await causing traps from bait,
Then suddenly time is too little and too late,

Angels exist; I've seen them through caged eyes,
Birds fly free never sitting too long, too wise,
Surviving by anxiety at every sound to flee,
Even when disturbed by the busy humming bee,

A rose will open it's petals to reveal,
It's beauty within without touch we feel,
Raindrops fall to tender and nurture its needs,
To protect a special wonder created among weeds,

Observed through a window that light can penetrate,
Where the warmth of the sun can be felt no matter the date,
Where rain flows down the barren window pane,
To the ground and soil where only the flowers will gain,

All contained within wide borders and tall fences,
Of solid trees of caged barriers of safety,
Beyond where warmth and beauty can only be seen,
Of the finest examples of humanity that have ever been.:hugs:

milly jones
17-07-08, 08:24
hugs bill

mill xx

18-07-08, 17:57
Hi Bill,

You are very wise. I agree that fear can rule our lives and make our choices for us. It ruled my life and unfortunately my choices for my children until I overheard a conversation between my 7 yr old son and a friend of his. I suddenly realized that while it might be alright to continue to let fear rule my life it was not acceptable to let it make choices for my son. My fears were not allowing him to lead a normal childhood. This is what led me to get help for myself. I now realize all the years I wasted by letting fear control me and the odd thing is I knew all the time it was doing it. Seems like even the known (fear) was better than the unknown.

Thanks for all your meaningful topics.

Take care,

Laura xxx

18-07-08, 18:52
hi bill.
I am milly other half. All our extreme sports are very controlled. When climbing you use ropes and harnesses to anchor you securly to be safe. This is similar in life. As children our parents try to limit our experiances to the level we are comfortable with, they were the anchors. As adults the anchors are invisable, but they are there!!. All your freind here and at home will anchor you from your fears. Enjoy life within your comfort limits.

milly jones
18-07-08, 18:58
yes hun

but u feel tied, bound by the fear, not relief.

it does not hold u safe, it engulfs u, suffocates u, so u cant breath.

id love to be cut free from anxiety