View Full Version : Suffering at the moment

Venus Calling
14-07-08, 13:58
I'm still trying to understand how I am suffering with panic attacks all of a sudden - they literally came from no where three months ago. The first one followed a couple of days later with three mild ones after that, then nothing until two weeks ago when I went to hospital only to be told there was nothing wrong with my heart - which alone was great news but I have continued to have anxiety attacks almost every day since then.

One thing that seems to happen before it starts is that my eyes get extremely tired. Today, I stayed in bed longer than usual because I felt tired - then got up and pottered about and suddenly felt 'weird' - stomach churning, running to the toilet and the extreme urge to get out of the house, yet I felt very tired. I did go for a 20 minute walk but I still feel tired and my stomach is churning. I have also lost my apetite which is very unlike me as is the going for a walk!

I have no worries that I can think of. I was made redundant in April but I was looking forward to it after working in the same place for 21 years. I have no money worries and potentially can do whatever I want, when I want - except I can't because this has started.

I hate the way I feel and seem to cry all the time. My doctor did give me some beta blockers but I don't like pills - I don't even take the ones for my arthritis. I can cope with pain but I really can't cope with this not feeling 'right'. I'm listening to a PA relaxation CD now and I know everything on it is true but why can't I make myself believe it. :weep:


14-07-08, 14:03
hiya hun mayb u could be suffering from alittle depression if u find getting up hard and lack of motivation etc and panic on top of this. its great u went for walk although u feel more tired it good for u. i brisk walk every day and always keeps me happy motivated and energised, mind u until u get used to it for few weeks u will just feel tired, so try stick with it. try just thinking positive happy things and plan stuff u wanna do realistically though and set little goals. i hope u feel better soon hun xxx

Cathy V
14-07-08, 14:12
Hi Jacky, its because youve got into a bit of a loop with the panics...dreading them, waiting for them then guess what? here they come. You say you were looking forward to not working after 21 years? well thats a long time to be in one regular routine, and now, even tho you're enjoying pottering about your body is a bit out of sinc because your routine has changed so much. Its interesting to note that you were made redundent in April, and your anx symptoms began 3 months ago :)

I think you just need to get yourself back on track with a routine, and eating healthily and exercising. The tiredness is probably due to the anxiety exhaustion. That sounds like a contradiction i know, but when your body get to the point where its in high anxiety every day, it releases more and more adrenaline which makes us feel like this :scared10: but also our energy levels can become depleted. I dont know if you can understand what i mean, sorry if im not being too clear.

If you think you can get through this blip without drugs thats great, coz some of them do bring their own problems with them, but on the other hand sometimes we need a bit of help until our body and mind recovers.

Keep talking to ppl here and reading the information and im sure you'll come through this fine.

Best wishes
Cathy V xxxx :)

milly jones
14-07-08, 14:24
we are animals who thrive on routine

not working may have unsettled ur body.

the hosp are trying to enstill in me the need for a timetable and routine to keep my life going since i finished work.

i find it so easy to stay in bed later and just lounge around all day.

but the days i have a goal i find much easier, more stressful yes but less tiring at the time.

the next day im back to being knackered again tho, lol

for me meds and therapy are helping my anx, but each to there own views.

to me the stomach churning is a sign that anx is brewing and generally a fear of the unknown, so i try to do something im familiar with, and walking is so good to alleviate adrenaline produced when anx.

have u read the info on the website about pas too its really down to earth and helpful

take care

milly x

Venus Calling
14-07-08, 19:14
Thank you all for your support - it does make sense when you see it written down! The last two years I had worked from home because of becoming disabled so I gradually went out less without really noticing it was happening. I spent two months at home without going out once in that time although I was working but my day had a bit more structure to it than it has now.

I'm trying hard to keep busy - I've even taken to playing Guitar Hero with the kids because you have to concentrate hard on what you are doing and it distracts me but I can't spend the rest of my life doing that!

I'll try and get a routine worked out and see if it helps. You guys have really helped me today!:D

milly jones
14-07-08, 20:38
np hun thats what nmp is about xxxx

just got to follow some of my own advice now lol