View Full Version : muscle/joint pain

14-07-08, 15:42
does anyone else wake up with muscle and joint pain? i get out of bed creaking like an old lady. during the day it mostly is in my lower legs and feet (i sit alot during the day, typical office) and in my neck and shoulders. I've actually pulled muscles in my neck just by moving around normally. today it seems to be hanging out in my finger joints and ankles. does anyone know what this is?? i'm only 28, I wouldnt think that I'd have arthritis so soon, plus its a mostly recent thing.

14-07-08, 16:03
Hi Jen,

It could be from bad posture and sitting all day. First thing out of bed do light stretches. At work try getting up and doing stretches throughout the day. You can even stretch your legs and feet under your desk where no-one can see you. Roll your shoulders up and down and your head around too. Make sure your chair is positioned correctly too. If you have enough time during your lunchbreak try and take a short walk as this helps. If you don't exercise try and get a bit in early in the evening or in the morning, as little as 30 minutes will make a huge difference. This keeps you more limber. Also, make sure you have your shoulders back while typing, this can cause alot of upper neck and shoulder pain if you don't, remember typing class, they always said to do that, it really works!

I used to work in a desk job at your age and had the same problems and this is what helped me. I hope this helps you.

Take care,


14-07-08, 18:18
hello ms belle :)

i do exercise daily, on average 30-40 mins, and do between 15-60 mins of yoga depending on how motivated I am as well. the pains usually disperse as the day goes on, but every morning I wake up stiff as a board. im wondering if maybe i need a new mattress, but mine is only about 3 years old and ive never had any issues since this whole anxiety junk started. im also wondering if it might be medication related.

15-07-08, 15:47
Wow, you do exercise! The most I get are my fingers on the keyboard, lol :whistles: . I don't think it would be your mattress if this has just started happening. We both know that they name everything that could possibly happen here in the states when you take a medication :scared15: so maybe you could see if achy muscles is a side effect.

By the way, I was in your lovely city this past February to see my sister and couldn't believe all the people outside. There were more people outside there than down in here the south where it is much warmer :shrug: . We then went on to Vail to ski, got to say Colorado is close to heaven, just beautiful! If I was truthful, and I am :noangel: , I fell more than skied!

Hope you get to the bottom of what is making you ache so badly.

Take care,


16-07-08, 13:01
Hello Jen,

I am only 41 and about 3 weeks ago I started with the very same symptoms, I feel like I am 90 year old woman. I have been under a great deal of stress latley. I am sure that is playing a part in this, dosent it always.

I had been bitten by a tick 7 weeks ago so they tested me for Lyme, but it came back negitive. I am going to go to the chriopracter, and maybe a massage.

I think posture does play a big part I am going to realy to try to concentrate on that.

I hope you feel better soon.