View Full Version : Strange breakout?

14-07-08, 16:10
Ok, I have a doctor's appointment in like thirty minutes, but I'm curious. Has anyone ever broken out in hives from a panic attack? I broke out right above my neck and it's somewhat itchy, feels abit warm to the touch. And I'm wondering if maybe it's nerves?

I'm just dreading the next round of tests they might put me through x.x

But thanks for any input or suggestions as to what might be the cause.

milly jones
14-07-08, 16:40
not hives hun but i do get loads cold sores when ive been anxious

for me its about ur bodies immunity being lowered

im presuming that a rash or allergy could develop when ur highly stressed too, especially if u have a raised temp

love milly xx

14-07-08, 17:46
Gosh hun,

I used to break out in them all the time, never found out why, i put it down to an allergy or something, especially for the fact that they were itchy, i'm sure its nothing to worry about, let us know how you get on.

Di xx

14-07-08, 19:09
Well, He didn't know what to make of em. I swear, all doctors seem to do these days is prescribe you medicine to keep you going till you can see a specialist these days.

He prescribed me Xanax. So, I'll try those, although, not too sure how they're going to help.

milly jones
14-07-08, 20:35
well hopefully that will provide u with some relief

take care mill xx