View Full Version : sore tongue while pregnant

14-07-08, 19:02
has anyone ever had a sore tongue while pregnant as i seem to have developed a sore tongue recently burning throbbing sensitive when eating sweet stuff saw doc and dentist and they blame pregnancy has anybody else had this while pregnant also ive started taking vitamin b complex if its this how long before this starts to get better or is it just the pregnancy causing this my hymoglobin has been border line of 10'2 wd this cause this any advice is appreciated thankyou to all for advice

milly jones
14-07-08, 20:53
hi joyce

glad uve been to doc hun about ur tongue

sorry im not pregnant at mo, so cant help with this one

just sending hugs

milly xxxxx

14-07-08, 21:42
hi joyce i cant help u but as u have seen doc and dentist its obviously nothing serious, so stick to there advice and u will be fine, if u get anymore probs or worrys go back to your doctors and they will put you right. hugs xx

Cathy V
14-07-08, 21:43
Hi joyce. Alot of what you are suffering with probably is down to the pregnancy....hormones and all of that. Your sore tongue and mouth is probably down to a lack of vitamins yes. Im not sure how long they take to work, but keep taking them and im sure youll see some improvement. When youve had your baby youll probably feel loads better.

Take care
cathy xxx

14-07-08, 23:23
thanks cathy i was at dentist on friday and she said it was because of baby im a bit anaemic and im not sure what vitamins im supposed to take like vitamin bs are they rright and when i eat something sweet or savoury it seems to hurt but i guess the dentist knows best she says it the big bump thts causing the discomfort need to see what vitamins i should be takig though

Cathy V
14-07-08, 23:31
Joyce im surprised they didnt tell you what vitaminss to take seeing as how your pregnant. If you are anaemic then its iron you need as well as Vit Bs. Dont let yout iron level drop too much if you can help it. Try to eat more, and if you cant face anything too heavy or dont eat red meat (or liver yuk!) then anything dark and green such as broccolli and salad leaves.

If your dentist thinks you are a bit anaemic joyce it might be an idea to tell the doc too ok?
But you sound loads better today i have to say :)
Cathy xxx

14-07-08, 23:35
my bloods were checked and they said i waqs borderline anaemia which was 10.2 when i started off i was 13.1 so i guess thts quite a drop and if your anaemic your mouth can get sore im taking vitamin b s comlex but they only have small amounts in them sd i be taking bigger doses or are the small amounts enough also sd i be taking vitamin c do you no thanks again cathy

14-07-08, 23:42
hi joyce not sure if this helps but here is a remedy for sore tongue i just looked up for u

Remedy for a Sore Tongue, Treatment for a Sore Tongue

The common remedy for a sore tongue or treatment for a sore tongue are:
# Mix half tsp of turmeric with warm cup of milk. Use it 2 times a day.

Cathy V
14-07-08, 23:43
Vitamin C is not specifically for treating iron deficiency, but it can help alongside of the Vit-B complex to help to heal your mouth, and can also help to keep your system strong while you are pregnant. These vits cant harm you or the baby joyce so its ok to take them.

Has the thrush gone?

15-07-08, 00:19
hi donna what is tumeric please kind regards joyce

15-07-08, 00:20
all the docs say it has but still a sensitive mouth when eating but guess thts down to my blood count too

15-07-08, 00:24
i hope it starts to feel better soon joyce hugs to u xx

15-07-08, 00:32
thanks donna this site keeps me thinking more morbid stuff the dentist said my tongue looked healthy so i need to believe someone soon as im going to drive myself in sane thankyou

15-07-08, 07:47
hi joyce yes please believe him and try not to read other related problems on here or on the internet as this sounds like its making u worse. mayb once u had your baby your HA may feel better. mayb just read stuff on here that wont set u off worrying, but please belive your dentist and doc cos they are right hun. hugs xx

15-07-08, 08:00
Turmeric is a spice - used in Indian cooking mainly. Bright yellow/orange - easy to get anywhere.... and very good for all sorts of ailments!

As to the sore tongue, it's totally normal with low iron.... check with your Doctor about taking iron supplements though as they should give you the amount you need. I also read that hormonal changes/fluctuations cause sore tongues too..... so, while it's probably uncomfortable, it's nothing serious and definitely makes sense with you being pregnant! Try not to stress too much...

15-07-08, 08:47
Hey Joyce!!

Make sure you take the correct dose of iron and vitamins, the correct dose is very important for you and your baby.

Glad to hear you, you sound so much better!!

hugs x x