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27-04-05, 10:57
Hi I have just been put back on diazepam.Because I have not sleeping at nights form my panic attacks.But can any one tell me if they get nightmares that Kicks off a panic attack? As its happend the last two nights sometimes two or three time the same night. Do you think it can be the tablets? As its making me scared to go to bed now. thanks fran1888

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 11:22
Hi Fran

Sorry to hear about your nightmares.
I too wake up sometimes with panic, sometimes just after a bad dream, but sometimes I just wake in terror without remembering any nightmare.
It could be sleep apnoea , when your breathing is too shallow and not so regular at night, it can make you wake in panic, with the feeling of not being able to catch your breath, do you get that way?
I am on diazepam too, i've been on it for quite a while now, but I am reducing the dose progressively, and expect to stop soon.
Diazepam, as all benzodiazepines can affect your breathing ( leading to sleep apnoea ).
I cant tell tho if benzos can trigger nightmares.
I hope you will have better nights soon.
Take care.


**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

27-04-05, 11:27
I sometimes have nightmares but they have never led to a panic attack. I find that the best thing to do is have a nice relaxing time before bed. I often read a good book in bed with a Horlicks before going to sleep and then fall asleep with nice thoughts..:D

27-04-05, 13:06
I am not sure if I get nightmares or bad dreams and don’t remember them because I wake most nights/early morning really soaked all over with sweat, body legs and everywhere. I do the same as Sarah Read a little when I go to bed. Drink my horlicks then do a relaxation CD and seem to drop off pretty good. But unlike Sarah I make my own Horlicks, Havant got Ed lol.

27-04-05, 13:51
Thanks that info was a lot of help..I dont understand why im feeling like this .My arm still has the burning pain in it.Dont no if its do with nerves in my arm..But it just scares me and i start to feel panicky all day..Im only on 2mg of diazepam.And ive only had one but split in have sunday. and monday Also on tramadol for back and leg pain.I got told you cant take both of them. Do you think this is true? scared to take the diazepam for panick

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 14:48
Sorry for spelling all up tight who you understood my message? thanks all

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 15:54
Hi again Fran

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Also on tramadol for back and leg pain.I got told you cant take both of them. Do you think this is true? scared to take the diazepam for panick</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I just had a look in a medical website for you, and indeed, Tramadol is not supposed to be taken with diazepam. Here is the link, you can have a look for yourself:



**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

27-04-05, 16:33
These drugs can be taken together and indeed, are prescribed together regularly, especially for back problems where a muscle relaxant and pain killer are required simultaneously, but they need to be monitored and the doses chosen carefully, usually keeping the valium to a lower dose.

I agree Fran, that it would be prudent to double check that he knows you're on both, and please remember if you take them both, that you may feel a bit unsteady, sleepy and have slower reactions on these meds.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

27-04-05, 21:33
Fran, good luck with everything.:)


**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

27-04-05, 22:06
Hi Fran,

My daughter suffered PA, anxiaty from the age of 3, she is now 11 and doing very well :D Night times were hard, she would wake up in fear most nights. Allthough she is alot better the other night she woke up and said she did not feel very well. this is her way of explaing the symptoms she is getting. We talk for a bit and I found out that she had had a nighmare. She knows that when she wakes up she must distract her thoughts. This is only a little blip for my daughtet because I can not remember the last time it happed except for the other night.
Please Fran don't be scared to go to bed you WILL have better nights.
Try to think nice thoughts befor you go to sleep.