View Full Version : determined to win

14-07-08, 19:47
I have suffered from anxiety attacks and agoraphobia for around nine months, and with support from a loving and compasionate wife and a good clinical psychologist I have made some progress in beating this living hell that the condition causes.It is the setbacks that cause me the most concerns, as one day you feel that one day you are well on the road to defeating it and then the next day you are worse than ever.The changing sensations which make me anxious about my heart one day and then my stomach the next.I have not being able to work for over a year because of the anxiety and sometimes feel that I have a uncertain future which sometimes can bring on a depressive mood but I try not to dwell on it to much.

I feel that being active in a support group where people feel the same is the way to go, as it has been my experience that the best advice comes from those that have been through anxiety symptoms and are getting better either through cognitive behaviour therapy or medication or a combination of both. Doctors I find diagnose but usually have not got the life experience to give you concrete advice that actually works effectivelly.So please give me any advice you feel may help.When I feel I have something that may be of benefit to others I will recriprocate.

14-07-08, 19:49
Hi Ronski

:welcome: aboard.

Hope we can be of some help with your problems.

14-07-08, 19:59
Hi Ronski,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


milly jones
14-07-08, 20:20
welcome to nmp

uve certainly found the right place

this is a super community

milly xx

15-07-08, 11:11
Hello Ronski And Welcome .wish Ya Well.........linda

15-07-08, 12:20
Hi Ronski,

Welcome to nmp.

The way i look at it is like this, when you have a bad day try to remember that even people who don't suffer anx have bad days, its only a blip. I know people who don't suffer anx but are terrified of driving on the motorway. You are doing so well, keep fighting for the road to recovery.

Lots of luck to you.

Di xx

Veronica H
15-07-08, 14:26
Hi Ronski
I am new to the site myself. It has brought me a lot of comfort. I logged on today because I was feeling down about having had such a good day yesterday and then feeling so down today. I realise that it is early days and I must not read too much into bad days. I am keeping a journal because looking back at a good day reminds me that this can and will pass.
Best wishes
Veronica H

15-07-08, 14:39
Hi and welcome :)

16-07-08, 16:10
Hi Ronski and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

16-07-08, 16:44
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

18-07-08, 18:46
Thankyou to you all for your warm welcome and messages of support. It has meant a lot to me as an Anxiety condition is a very lonely position to be in sometimes. I was advised this week that Anxiety is not a personality disorder but a behaviour disorder and so can be changed for the good. So with all of your support I should be flying from now on. Thankyou all once again

18-07-08, 19:05
hiya ronski :welcome:

jeni xxxxxxx

19-07-08, 10:32
Hi Ronski

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get really good advise and support on here.

Take care
