View Full Version : Keep thinking it must be something serious.

14-07-08, 20:44
Bit of along one this - 18 months ago I started to wake up in morning and would get stabbing pain in my back middle on right side. It would go when I got up and as waking is when I have my first bowel movement I coulnd't tell if it was bowel or spine ( I have a very damaged spine). I also had lots of wind and abdo pressures. I had a sigmoidoscopy, ultrasounds and all normal so told could be ibs or my damaged spine. then I got womens trouble and ended up having hysteroscopy, d&c and biopsy ultrasound and ovarian cancer blood test all normal. Fast forward to March still morning pain on right side and gas pressures - I got sudden savage stabbing pains around tummy button - second hospital admission they decide to take my appendix out just in case and have a good rummage around. Appendix okay and surgeon looked and handled just about every other bit of me and said no inflammatory bowel disease - kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder and liver okay. AFter operation I started to wake up with very severe stabbing pains about 5am but on the left side of back around sacro illiac joint ( in between I have had all my spine mri'd!) and this has continued everynight. Last week I had a colonsocpy so they could tick me off as having perfectly healthy bowels - it was normal. Again ibs cannot be ruled out as it is functional disorder but at least I know not bowel cancer!! Now I am waiting to have another mri of my lumbar spine and pelvis.
My husband says I have been looked at inside out and just to accept that it is my damaged spine causing nerve pain but the lack of sleep ( some nights I only get 3 hrs sleep) is making my health anxiety even worse.
Rambling here but scared.

15-07-08, 08:13
Oh, poor you, sounds like you've had a shocking time BUT also, it sounds like you've had most of the tests that you could have and they have all come out ok. Honestly, it couldn't be something serious as they really have checked you out very thoroughly.

The back/spine can cause utter agony - my brother suffers from it - the worst thing being that the position of the pain is hard to pin point and the problem is that if you are anxious - which it sounds like you are - then all your muscles and nerves will be clenched making it ten times worse. The sacro illiac joint and nerve lying near it is hugely painful if it goes wrong - happened to me when I was pregnant and I couldn't walk for 2 weeks without shooting pains that knocked me for six.

I know it's easier said than done - but is there anyway you could go to a physio or osteopath? They could manipulate and massage your back and might be able to provide some kind of relief....

I really think though, that it's nothing serious - just something incredibly sore.
I hope you get better soon.