View Full Version : constant hyperventilation problems

14-07-08, 21:38
Hi Guys just a quick querie really.
For the past year Ive been suffering from all the symptoms of hyperventilation, although I like to convince myself its a brain hemorage or more often a heart attack!
Do any of you find the symptoms get much worse when you're talking, even when you arent aware you are stressed and do you find it worse during periods?! My heads battered with the whole thing!
Anyone got any advice to control hyperventilating? Doc has just given me 40mg Propanaolol to try and put me on pill to control pms.
Also this started after I had my little girl and I think its a form of post natal stuff anyone else found this?
Cheers XXX:huh:

Cathy V
14-07-08, 22:07
Hiya, the symptoms are worse when you're talking because when you talk you are using up air from your lungs. When you hyperventilate, it causes an imbalance of oxygen and carbon monoxide (and this happens in anxious people coz anxious ppl tend to 'shallow-breathe' and dont use the full capacity of their lungs) so when the carbon monoxide takes over from the oxygen, the result is hyperventilation.

Its not harmful just a nuisence and can be very uncomfortable. have you never heard of breathing into a paper bag? There was a time when docs would tell you to do this as it redresses the balance and you can breath easier. I suspect your doc has given you meds because of the anxiety behind the hyperventilation....if the anx is reduced so maybe this will be too.

Another way to help without meds is if you listen to relaxation cds, and 're-learn' how to deep breath again...take deep breaths and let them out slowly etc.

Hope this helps a bit :)
cathy xxx

Cathy V
14-07-08, 22:10
...and i never know whether its monoxide or dioxide, sorry. One of them you cant live without and the other you cant live with!

14-07-08, 23:09
Monoxide will kill you lol

Dioxide is the one you mean

Cathy V
14-07-08, 23:11
Oops, thanks nic...:ohmy:

15-07-08, 01:02
I know what this is like, when I am concentrating on how i am breathing rather than the conversation, my breathing goes all out of rythm and I start getting out of breath and anx.

It's all about the breathing exercises, getting used to breathing deep into your stomach and not into your chest. This is why yoga is good for relaxing you, but it does take practice to make it feel natural to you.

(I feel like i have dejavu, i just replied to another post with the same message LOL )

Anyway, I hope that this helps

Jo x

Worried worrier!
15-07-08, 01:44
Couple of tips if you haven't had them already
1. Breath in deep through you nose, hold it for 4 seconds and then slowly breath all the way out through your mouth(lips slightly open)
2. Another one is to use a PAPER bag...a bit like the ones you get medication in from the chemist and slowly breath in and let all of the air back out to blow uo the bag.
Sorry if you've been told this before.

15-07-08, 19:00

I have suffered with this for many years. I have learnt to live with it and control it by breathing excercises etc. One good tip someone on here gave me a while ago was to sing!!!! yes sing!!!. If you are on your own, in your car or the bathroom etc, put your favorite music on and sing as loud as you can. It make you breath properly and often gets you back on track.
Happy singing!!!