View Full Version : Tips on how seperate excitement from Anxiety Pls

27-04-05, 12:38
OMG - I have got a new job:D

I am sooooo thrilled, I gave my job two months ago when my panic started basically because I could not leave the house - however I have been getting better and most days am doing more and more with symptoms changing or in some cases even going (have not had the throat thing for two weeks...woohoo!).

Out of the blue yesterday I had an email from one of my old companies clients someone I have known for three years but not spoken to since Christmas - he was surprised that I had left (did not give him all the reasons but did say that the stresses of the job did take their toll) he called me later in the afternoon and offered me a job right there and then on the phone. The best bet is the company is based in Knightsbridge London and I am in Cambridgeshire so for 95% of the time I will be based at home - how cool is that. I will have the opportunity to work in London a few days per month if I want to (scared but hey ho something to work towards). The package is great and I start on Tuesday....here comes the but

Since speaking to him yesterday I have had real nausea (not had this before), rumbly churney tum, gas and sudden waves of warm headache then feeling slightly sick - I am trying to put this down to excitement and not anxiety (and not a brain bleed!!!!!.)

So any advice on how to seperate and enjoy excitement (as you should) would be appreciated.

Many thanks...Angieb

PS - Did I mention I got a great new job:D[^][:O];)[:P][Yeah!]

27-04-05, 12:48

WOW !! Fantastic

The adrenalne rushes are the same but the way you respond is different. This is exciting and scary all at once , you are anticipating a great thing not a horrid one.

In your head turn your fear into excitement. Feel this fear and know you'll do it anyway.

Let it send tingles to the tips of your toes and enjoy the new burst of energy.

Anticipation will multiply your excitement sensations. You may be scared now, but when you come out the other side, you will feel fantastic, confident and proud in your wonderful new job.

What job are you going to be doing ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

27-04-05, 12:54
Congratulations on you new job!!

Sounds fantastic espec as you will be able to work from home!!

Good luck with it :D

Tatty B xx

27-04-05, 13:12
hi angib, thats real great I am sure you will feel much better working. Dont worry about the Anxiety, I am the same If something good happens sometimes my anxiety level gets higher than bad anxiety. I think we are so used to unpassative thinking our body cant tell good from bad anxieties. LOL I think so anyway. TC. Vernon

27-04-05, 14:17
Hi Angie


Well done see good things come to those who wait LOL;

Im really pleased for you and understand that fear and excitement thing too, so easily explained by Meg LOL,

good luck with it and keep us posted

kairen x

27-04-05, 16:06
Congrats Angie - I'm very happy for you!! :D

27-04-05, 17:49

I'm so very pleased for you! I know what you mean though the excitement/anxiety thing is hard to decipher at times. (Thanks Meg for explaining!)

All the best for Tuesday! [Yeah!]

Let us know how you go!

Take Care, ;)


27-04-05, 19:02
Well done Angie

Great news all round.

I am sure the feelings are of excitement thrown in with the odd bout of nerves as you will be starting a new job.

Let us know how it goes!


27-04-05, 22:52
Congratulations on the new job. Sounds really good.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-04-05, 00:00
Hi Angie

Sounds great and i wish you the best of luck, you deserve it.

Yep it is hard when we feel so happy, as like you i go over the top and get anxious rather than accepting that i am happy with my life. But we know that is what it is and we can distinguish the difference.

You have done great mate and deserve it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.