View Full Version : Anyone experience Anx. relapse really really suddenly?

14-07-08, 22:43
Hi Everyone,

Wondering if anyone has had the experience of relapsing into severe anxiety symptoms after months of being OK? I've pretty much been fine since March when I finally accepted I wasn't dying of 1000 horrible diseases following many doctor appointments and tests. My acute anxiety first started at the beginning of last August, the day after I graduated from school and officially became unemployed. Now, out of the blue, all the symptoms are back in full force. I think I know why-- I'm getting married in a month, almost to the day, but I don't consciously feel that stressed about it! How can symptoms come back this bad and this suddenly when I don't feel that stressed?? Was not expecting this and am feeling very discouraged....

14-07-08, 22:54
Yes I did about 4 weeks ago.

I had been panic free for well over a year and wham it all came back and hit me really hard.

I had to go back to basics with relaxation, breathing etc and I am just coming out the other side again

15-07-08, 03:03
I think what has happened is a symptom of "change". When you graduated, you left the security you felt at school. Now that you'll be marrying in a months time, you're now facing another change which is again affecting your sense of security even though it's something you're looking forward to.

After the wedding, your life should settle, you'll feel secure again and so your anxiety should ease.:hugs:

15-07-08, 03:26
Thanks Bill and Nicola for the encouragement. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Bill, I think you're right. This must just be my horrible way of dealing with big changes.

15-07-08, 08:20
HI aurora,
I think there does always tend to be trigger for the first and subsequent relapses into panic mode.
There always has been in my case. In fact in almost anyone's case. Perhaps you at heart are wary of change (well big changes) and your body is reacting before your head realises.

Good luck and congratulations for your impending marriage. And remember......when it comes to marriage.....don't just count the years, make the years count!

Pooh xxx

15-07-08, 23:18
yes it has happened to me to and i am going though it at the moment scary as hell hope you get better soon and congrats on the big day
laura x

15-07-08, 23:32
I get times when I feel my resolve to anxiety and panic is starting to weaken. But when I feel like that I have a big punch bag called "panic" (the name is actually painted on it), and I knock 7 kinds hell out of it. Honestly, my wife thinks I'm a right nutter :), but it works. I get rid of all the negative energy that's built up in me.


16-07-08, 19:00
I can relate to this! i really thought i had cracked it! i've been back at work for about 5 weeks now after being off sick for 8 months due to my wife having cancer and me having GAD/Panic Attacks, i was really starting to feel normal again and i was almost getting cocky with it! what a huge mistake that was! because the anxiety came back with a huge bang totally out of the blue! and the symptoms i am getting are the worst i have ever had and they have really set my alarm bells ringing, the only trigger i can think of is me going back to work which was tough the first couple of weeks but after that i seemed to get back into it like i've never been away. :weep:

16-07-08, 21:15
yeah i know what ur going through i was panic free for about 18 months then all of a syden they came back and im going back to the way i was not leaving the house got a cpn now so im hoping i can get better fro good this time or if not atleast learn to control it,

dont think we ever get free off it we will just learn how to control it and not let it control us.