View Full Version : Tingling in left arm

15-07-08, 03:27
Hi there,

Since yesterday I've been having this annoying numbness and tingling my left arm. I don't think it's from sleeping on it wrong or anything like that as it came on in the middle of the day.

Also have a minor dull pain on the back of my head.. not really sure if that is connected but thought I would throw that in there anyway.

Not sure if this is something serious? should I be going to the hospital? Shouldn't this pain be gone by now?

Trying not to think about it, cause I just work myself up... but Im finding it very difficult.

Any advice or insight would be appreciated.

Cathy V
15-07-08, 08:36
Hi love, it could be alot of tension, or a nerve thing. Do you sit in an awkward position at the computer for instance? Sounds like you need a neck massage...any tension at the top of the spine can radiate into your head too.

Cathy xxx

16-07-08, 20:24
Thanks for the reply. I do sit at my computer for a long time... and I do have terrible posture. Ill try to work on it. Thanks again.

16-07-08, 22:52
I am having the same problem right now. I just came back from the chriopracter because my neck and back have been bothering me it could be related. If you are out of aligment it throughs everything off.
I had 3 ribs out place,:ohmy: she told me that is why I having such back problems.

I hope you are feeling better.


17-07-08, 16:29

I constantly have an aching arm that tingles too both above and below the elbow. I believe it is anxiety related.

Just make sure your posture is ok when sitting and try and sleep on your right side for a bit to see if it relieves it.

Good luck

19-07-08, 17:41
I had something similar to this when my low b12 was first detected