View Full Version : At my wits end...Help again

27-04-05, 12:49
Hi I posted yesterday about the feelings I am having at the minute.

When I woke up this morning I felt as wound up as a coil, a real feeling of nervousness and adrenalin running through me it felt - is this normal?

I have got to work and been up and down all day - when I feel relatively ok the feelings of pins and needles etc dont seem as prominent, so deep down I know that it is related to the anxiety but I know very soon I will go down and become restless all over again!

How can I stop this?

27-04-05, 13:09
hi Jabbott

I don't know if i will b of any help but i felt like this not long ago when my anxiety was high, i tried to take my mind of it (i know thats hard) i made myself busy round the house also i came on the forum alot which did help me as people were having the same problems and when i read their posts it made me feel a little reasured, it will go away but it will take time with me the symptoms started to disappear then my anxiety just lifed and now i feel better. Hopefully it won't cum back the only way it will cum back 4 me if i worry alot and get myself to panicky.

Yes- it is normal 4 u to get those feelings.

take care

linda xx

27-04-05, 13:14
Thnaks Linda,

It is really reassuring to know that others have gone through similar things. Mine started with what were probably tension headaches, but then I began to worry about them and they slowly manefested themselves into a kind a dizzyness - even when there was no obvious sign of a headache or pain. With this I began to worry, got some glasses and then my gran died and I moved house. Now sometimes when I am relaxed there is no sign of any physical symtoms its just the overwhelming feel of adrenalin and negativity. What can I do to remove them all together?

27-04-05, 13:18
Hi jabbot welcome again. Did you read the replies you got yesterday? u got so many. take care Vernon

27-04-05, 14:36
Hi Jabbot,

I think when you are busy doing, things your mind is so occupied, you dont notice those sypmtems, but as soon as your relaxed you still have that adrenalin rushing around thats when you feel it rising, when im like that i go on my exersize bike and pedal like mad, it always seems to do the trick for me, You have had a lot to deal with so your mind prob finds it hard to switch off, have a try with that if you have not got a bike try skipping, just to try and burn it off, good luck xxx

kairen x

27-04-05, 16:03
hi Jabott,

Try throwing yourself into something. Normally, if you aren't thinking about anxiety, then you won't panic. Doing something you like will allow you to forget about it.

Sarah :D

29-04-05, 00:15
Hi Jatott

We all sometimes wake up how you feel and have to throw ourselves into somthing that will take our mind of it.

I have many times and sometimes given in to it and gone back to bed but you seem to be taking it in your stride however tough it gets. You have the right attitude and hope we can help you through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.