View Full Version : Foggy Head

15-07-08, 16:09
I have been suffering from anxiety and depression since I was a teenager. I've been having a foggy head for years. It feels like I am hungover even though I don't drink. At the same time I feel very tired. I was on 50mg of Zoloft per day for almost 7 years. I have recently started taking the generic form of Wellbutrin. 350 mgs per day. Does anyone else have a "foggy head"? Does anyone know what causes this or how to treat it?

milly jones
15-07-08, 16:32
sorry no hun

but welcome to nmp

milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-07-08, 16:48
Thank you, milly!

19-07-08, 18:45
In my case I think it's sleep related. I feel what I think you're describing - constantly tired, fuzzy, detached from the real world.

I get occasional relief during my rare low anxiety times when I sleep well for a few nights in a row. One or two nights isn't enough.

22-08-08, 14:01
Hi, I have had this for about 3 months pretty much constantly. I think its called derealization.. there are a few forums on this site about it which explain that its our minds way of taking a rest from all the worrying we do. Aparently its a very normal and comman symptom of anxiety. I am too only just learning about it. Only last week I thought I had a mental illness or something... I am searching this site for answers about it as am sooooo sick of living with it all the time just want it to go away.. Hope this helps, Amber

22-08-08, 14:45
A foggy head is a symptom of anxiety. Your brain has too much going on in it and shuts itself down. I know its a scary feeling. Try and drink plenty of water and rest when you can. This symptom can lead to others if you let it get out of control. Do you know how to do deep breathing? It will also help. I had this for about 2 months and then it went away after I wasnt scared of it anymore. It takes time, but you can do it. If you have any more questions about it, let me know and I will help you. I beat it and so can you.:yesyes: