View Full Version : Never feel relaxed

15-07-08, 16:56
I recently had to take a high dosage pain med for a tooth ache. I don't usually like to take these kinds of meds, but i was in so much pain that I didn't have a choice. I fell asleep for about 4 hours and then woke up and i felt relaxed. I then realized that I never feel calm or relaxed. It was a great feeling. I'm sure the meds amplified the relaxation feeling, but it was just a calm and peaceful feeling. Anyone else out there that never feels calm?

16-07-08, 03:40
Used to. I bought some relaxation CD's, learned breathign techniques and have a weekly massage and it has made a world of difference. Try them out, it is worth it to be relaxed!
Good Luck!

16-07-08, 11:17
I Just read this thread thinking I never relax anymore. I was on Citalopram, learnt lots of techniques, got better and have been off the tablets for 4 month now.
Things have been really stressful this last few weeks and I can feel myself going down hill and I am determined to sort myself out but reading this made me realise that I have go back to what I did before, and relaxation is such a huge thing. I am going to stop typing this and book in for a massage and dust off the relaxation CD's.

Thanks for the reminder!!:yesyes:


16-07-08, 18:32
Thanks for the advice. I am going to purchase a meditation kit and see if that helps. :)