View Full Version : You will never believe.......

27-04-05, 14:31
Hi all,

hiya all well the army thing is going great and i go for my medical in two weeks, but you will never guess what has happend well i have been feeling really wierd lately and by wierd i mean like pregnant! so i did a home test last nite at my mates house and it came back possitive [:O] so i told my partner and well he went off on one and put it straight forward across to me that he doesn't want any children. Which i can kinda understand as he's only 19 years old, but what he said to me after was priceless he said " wasn't you taking anything? " HELLO it's not just me it does take two people you know! so he went storming out and i aint seen him yet as he stayed out for the nite.
I'm so confused as i do really want this baby but with me self harming i'm not sure, i have been to the doctors to make sure and well i have to wait 3days for the results to come back :(
The really big problem is that if the one from the doctors comes back possitive then i'm not gonna beable to go in the army! GREAT! [V]

i'll keep you posted!

Kitty x

27-04-05, 14:41
Boy i bet that was a big shock, how old are you Kitty, do you have someone else close to that you can discuss it with,

do hope you can get your boyfriend to sit down and talk it through with you after all you should not be dealing with this on your own,

good luck,

kairen x

27-04-05, 14:46
Hi Kitty,
Gosh, bit of a shock all round eh? All i can suggest is that you take your time, think very carefully what is involved, what you want to do, what support will you have,all the basic things, don't be rushed, and don't let anyone make these decisions for you. Firstly wait until you get the result back from you doctors, and then you can start to think things through. With regards to your partner, as said he may have been shocked and yes, it does take two, just take things one step at a time, this is a very important decision you are about to make, keep in touch with us, and any advice you need please let us know. take care xxx

27-04-05, 15:58
hi Kitty,

I hope you can get him to sit down and talk to you and that way you can decide what's best for you both.

Sarah :D

27-04-05, 17:54
Hi Kittty,

Sorry to hear about your boyfriends response perhaps he will come round when he's had time to think.

I hope things work out for you whatever you decide.

Good luck and let us know how you are.

Take Care,


27-04-05, 18:59
Oh Kitty

A big decision to make isn't. I guess you need to sit down and think about what you want - the baby or to go in the army and then you need to get the b/f to talk to you seriously about it.

Good luck with whatever you choose.


27-04-05, 19:25

How many weeks pregnant do you think you are ?
Are you on any medication at all ?

Like everyone says - a lifechanging descision ..so think through , discuss and assess your options in length until you are happy you've reached the best descision for you.

We're thinking of you.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-04-05, 00:09
Hi Kitty

This must have came as a big shock, but home pregancies tests are nearly as good as the doctors nowadays so we can conclude you are pregnant. You can both sit down and talk about it and decide what is best to do for the both of you, but what will you do if you cant decide.

You had hoped the army was your next step but with a baby you couldnt even contemplate that. When you talk remember that it is what you want at the end of the day even if he doesnt agree. But i can only advise you and might sound harsh but if you really want that without his support if he wont be there. Dont go it alone if you dont feel you can cope with it or it will affect your life. I am not being hard but i have seen the harsh consequences that have led to situations like this, so think hard what is best for all involved and i wish you the best of luck whatever you decide.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.