View Full Version : fed up of feeling ill

15-07-08, 18:44
im so fed up of waking up everyday and something always hurts.endless checks and doctor vistits proved fruitless.i was speaking to one of my clients who it turns out is a counciller and she said it seemed i suffered from health anxiety..she explained a bit about it and it all fell into place.in the past 6 years i have suffered with what i believe to be severe panic attacts which have lots of times ended me up in hospital .sometimes i feel as though im not actually attached to my own body i could touch myself but not even feel it.i get numbness everywhere even my tongue and my heart just goes nuts! ive just started on citlopram and hope this solves the problem...however the side affects are awful.anybody else suffer from any similar panic or anxiety attacks? i feel so alone.x

milly jones
15-07-08, 18:49
hi hun

i reckon the majority of nmp have ha and pas

i dont but can empathise

my difficulty is sa with pas and gad

the citalopram will help to control ur anxiety, and the side effects are not nice, but they go. im on them too.

try and see if u can get some cbt/counselling to go alongside the meds as u need to change ur thinking patterns too. the meds give u the time and space to do this

keep posting

milly xxx

15-07-08, 18:56
thanks milly.i need to get better for my husband and kids.it just upsets me as my husband and parents,however loving they are do not understand how im feeling.i cant read articles if they are about some illness as il swear ive suffered from them symptoms,i dont watch hospital dramas as its just the same...i know im irrational but its just as though my brain wont allow me to think sane about these things.its strange as i have this huge fear of blood clots and i have no idea where it stems from..ifeel embarased writing about this but i feel that i need to talk to someone or ill go insane.x

15-07-08, 23:11
Don't feel embarrassed voicing your concerns, we are here to help each other on this board, and although we may not have the same health fears we all know how each other feels.

I was on citalopram last year. I got some awful side effects when i first started on it, and again when i came off it. I was ok for the time in between

16-07-08, 02:07

I'm new to this site, but I read your message and understood exactly where you are. Blood clots are one of my big fears too - I've had three friends who have had them. Do you know the symptoms? Sometimes knowing exactly what to look for helps me talk myself down.

I too, wake up everyday, and something else is wrong. All the tests have proved fruitless, but at the same time, I'm in pain - my chest just often hurts. But the tests - they show nothing.

I've just started Prozac, which is having the effect of making me cry all the time.

Anyway, just wanted you to know you're not alone.


16-07-08, 03:20
It is a horrible way of life. I have good and bad days. Today I woke up with chills and just feeling generally yucky so it has had me anxious all day long. I have checked my temp over and over and googled chills. Never does any good though just makes things worse.
We will get a handle on this I know it. I have been down the medication road(still on it) had counselling and so many other things. I am just now starting to see a naturopath who is trying out a few things to help. I will let people know if I see any results from it.
In the meantime, hang tight and remember we still wake up everyday with two arms, two legs, able to breathe and walk and that is an amazing and wonderful thing. Try to look at each good thing our body does instead of each bad. Huge hugs

16-07-08, 09:30
I was recommeded citalopram but only lasted 3 days taking it as the side effects were worse than I was before. So if you can stick with it it sounds like they eventually wear off and you should start to notice an improvement. For me I think it was the shock treatment I needed to try and get myself better. I am not right but certainly a lot better than I was.

I wake up everyday and examine how I feel. This sets you up for a bad day but I can't seem to stop myself doing it. If I wake up and everything feels ok and I don't feel tired then I usually have a good day.

If I wake up and my legs hurt or I feel like I can't open my eyes cos I'm so tired then generraly I am going to suffer all day. It's like a constant battle but I am sure there is a way out of it (just haven't found it yet!).

You'll find that everyone here feels the same and it is normal and also perhaps a side effect of taking your meds in the beginning. I think I read that it could take about 2 weeks to get used to them.

16-07-08, 10:26
Hi Kelly you are not alone with how you feel, many of us on here feel the same way and suffer with very similar things.

Take care


16-07-08, 10:40
Hi Kelly, I've been through all this too, now you know what the problem is, you can deal with it and you will get better.

How long have you been taking the medication for? Docs always recommend you stick it out for 2 weeks before deciding if the med is not for you. I am on fluoxetine and felt absolutely crap for the first week, but it passed and I feel so much better now (2 weeks later).

Thinking back I wonder if I imagined the side effects because I have health anxiety, if I not read what the side effects were I might not have felt them.

16-07-08, 12:45
its strange as ive got pains in my boobs and a tight chest today but i think its just anxiety im on day 9 of 10mg citlopram at the mo..im sticking with it as i think they have helped my anxiety...im still checking stuff tho...blood pressure,temp...pulse...im coming of caffine and alcohol as they affect my pulse and cant go on beta blockers as i have a low pulse anyway 49-52 sort of pulse...so i really know when i get my palpatations...just having them now...sometimes i feel like my pulse is gunna jump out my throat!! i know now that all my problems are with anxiety...my tongue is always sore,jaw aching etc..pins and needles numbness..sometimes severe...but when it happens you really cant tell yourself its ok as your brain does not allow you to..im hoping these tablets will suppress all that.x

17-07-08, 13:45
For the past year and half i think i have woken most days not feeling 80% let alone 100%.
I have one thing for a while then i might get a day break where i feel ok then i get something new, it was really getting me down i am just trying to forget about it a much as i can now as i have been getting used to it.
The worst thing for me is when my head hurts for some reason or another whether it's some form of a tension headache or migraine, lately most days i have some sort of pain in my head or eyes.
I do think it's probably stress related though as my life is crap at the min and i need to find a new job and as i was out of work last year for 7 months and the only job i could get after that was part time, i'm really worrying about money and thinking that i'm never going to find a job ever again well a full time one anyway, also i miss my ex boyfriend so much and it's been nearly 3 months now since we broke up but i think about him all the time which doesn't help with my stress and as i'm not working i have far to much time to think about things really.
precious 78 thats how i am too wake up after a nights sleep and my arms and legs just ache so much some days i think i must be so tense in bed also have the really tired eyes some days which doesn't seem to go away until i sleep on it.

17-07-08, 14:55
dont you think it would be really nice just to say...hey..god thankyou i feel really good today...i have some hours in the day when i think that and then an hour later my legs ache,or my eyes or i get a sharpe stabbing pain somewhere and i think"god..what on earth is that..then i start poking and prodding at it..then genually it gets worse...if id left it it probably would have subsided...i also look at my hands and feet and think...oh jese i cant feel my hands..etc etc...the mind is a strange and scarey place...mine anyway...its just good to know we are all here for the same reason..on here..and we can all help each other by talking and understanding..hop[e things get better for you soon hun..ive just handed my notice in and im opening my own salon..which is ofcaurse..making me anxious..lol.xx:hugs:

18-07-08, 08:47
kellylorraine this is how I feel a lot of the time. I'll be sailing along having a good day and then I'll get a twinge in my chest, or my eyes will go funny, or whatever and then it's back to square one.

Yesterday I had a really good day (and I always feel like I'm coming out the other end when I feel like this) but today I knew it was going to be a bad day when I woke up!

I think you're right though. The only reason these things linger is because we dwell on them. But it's very difficult to put them aside.