View Full Version : Feel a right idiot with this one.

15-07-08, 19:45
Does anyone get like a pins and needles/twitchy feeling in their face, just on the one sideI noticed it this am in town and again on the bus coming home. It scared me silly started thinking strokes etc(sorry I know this is my main fear) but managed to bat this off without a full blown panic
just curious.

Thank you


15-07-08, 19:53
yes mainly on left side and hand and face goes cold and pins and needles twitchy eye and well done for brushing it of and a:yesyes: i can never do it when i am out and about never go out as scared what people say.WELL DONE.

15-07-08, 19:53
ha..i feel like an idiot most of the time.i get that feeling but to me it feels as though something is crawling inside my flesh and mostly i feel like someone has punched me in the jaw...ive read on here that this is just due to me being tense...i also have a huge fear of having a blood clot...its mad isnt it!x

16-07-08, 03:30
Yup!! It turned out to be caused from my neck and sleeping funny. I have weekly massages now and since it has stopped. Feel better soon!

16-07-08, 17:59

I have the same thing, it happens on the left side of my face, it is from tension in my neck, it comes and it goes, it depends on how much anxiety I have that day. I was very frightend the first time it happened, our minds go to the worst case senerio. Of couse I went the symptom checker for Webmd, big mistake, people with anxiety should be banned from that site.

I noticed the attention I gave it the longer it lasted, so I know it is hard but try not to ignore it and it will go away.

Good luck,

16-07-08, 19:29
Thankx for all your replies especially the private messages, I mentioned it to the girls in work today, someone said that when they are overtired they get a twitchy eye mad isn't it. someone else said they get double vision, we had a right old therapy session someone said that they hadn't been right since having a baby, someone blamed the menopause, someone else blamed the job, someone blamed their husband, I tell you anxiety is a lot more common than we think.

Once again thanks for your support it is really appreciated.

lots of love

