View Full Version : For those worried about side effects...

15-07-08, 20:35
which includes me although i have taken these once before and know that when they go, and they do, the feeling of relief from anxiety is immense. life feels normal again which is why i am going back on these after having taken 6 months last year to come off them. i always swore i wouldnt go back on them but i'm on day 2 and i know they are going to help me.

anyway i just wanted to say that its perfectly normal to be worried about side effects. you are not alone, we all read and re-read the leaflet and please don't think that you are going mad or silly for worrying about something that might not happen anyway. All we can do is take each half hour at a time, trust in the medication and look to a positive future. I'm visualising what my life will be like anxiety free and focusing on the end goal. I'm keeping a journal throughout the day monitoring my feelings and physical feelings, its helping me to write things out ( today i couldnt remember how to spell "write", it was kinda scary and funny ). I'm also going to give myself a treat each day even if its just a magazine or some new nail varnish. I'm sure when i look back at my journal there will have only been 1 or 2 really bad days and at the mo every day seems bad with ongoing anxiety. So what is 1 or 2 bad days out of a lifetime?

Please those who have been through the side effects and out the other side post on this thread messages to those worried as it will help me and i'm sure lots of others. we can refer to this thread when the going gets tough.

15-07-08, 21:08
thanx..its strange i often forget how to spelleasy words,however,im not the worlds best speller,my side effects are bad at the mo,headaches,sickness hunger,nausea...freaky twiching...feeling shattered...however my anxiety is already subsiding...partly because i have found you guys.thank you.x

Cathy V
15-07-08, 21:34
Scrumpy having a side effects thread is a good idea. Alot of ppl experience them on the meds...some get through them and others have to go back and discuss it and maybe try something else (true in my own case) but the majority get through it within a few weeks and then feel the benefits.

Its good for ppl to come to a place where they can talk about it and compare feelings.

best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

milly jones
15-07-08, 21:34
having the side effects are far better than the anxiety in the long run if ur anxiety cripples ur life, and the side effects are short term

milly xx