View Full Version : Trying not to panic about this pain.

15-07-08, 22:57
For past 6 months I have had on and off attacks of what feel like nerve pain on either right or left side of my navel. The pain lasts a few seconds and is sharp lancing pain and comes every few minutes and up to now has not lasted longer than 2 days at a time.

I have probable mild ms, plus a damaged spine.

I have been investigated inside out for this pain - had appendix removed and exp operation so had everything looked at while surgeon had me opened up ( 6 inch wound!) plus female bits investigated and just gone through horrible bowel tests and all normal.

One dr says irritable bowel another says nerve pain from ms yet another says nerve pain from damaged spine.

I haven't had an attack for about 6 weeks but it started again today, don't think I will get any sleep with it but heyho! I keep telling myself that they couldn't find a reason for it with all my innards out on the operating table so I should stop worrying and just deal with the pain but pain and health anxiety don't make good bedfellows!!

15-07-08, 23:04
Have you had any CBT for the HA at all?

16-07-08, 03:17
I have the same type of problem. I also had my appendix removed as well as a huge cyst from my ovary and have a huge scar from it. I get the pain on my right side. I have had CT scans and so many other tests and the say all is fine. But I have the pain, the pain is real. I completely understand how you are feeling. I wish I had an answer for you but the good thing is we both have been checked out and have been told we are healthy so that is a huge plus on our side. Huge hugs and I hope it gets better for you!

16-07-08, 09:27
Nicola I am just starting cbt therapy - I had it once before years ago but didn't like the therapist she was very cold and it was very technical just doing homework and things so it didn't help me at all but my new therapist is very nice and much more into talking - totally different to last one.

Alison - wow amazing to find someone who has same problem - if you ever get an reason please let me know!!!