View Full Version : Looking for answers/worrying

16-07-08, 00:34
I keep wanting answers every time something worries me for example I've been worrying with HOCD my fear now is I will need more done and been reading up on surgery so I'm scared even more or I fear if I can't relax I will need mega help?

I have hardly any physical symptoms and have had therapy in the past to learn about anxiety and had books but not sure what to do. The smallest thing worries me like a spot on the back.

I am now scared I can't be treated and this fear wont go away it's self after googling some sites again. Any symptom makes me think I'm going mad or the worst possible outcome on something.

Can anybody give me any good ways of tackling fears and does it ever ease after a while for some people?

16-07-08, 03:39
It is defintely not something that will happen over night. I am 17 years in to a severe anxiety problem. Medications can help some, some they dont. I am a HUGE believer in the following to help alleviate some of the worry. First wake up each day with positive thoughts. Think of having two arms, two legs, being able to walk and breathe and other great things your body does for you. If you are feeling any worry etc push it to the back of your mind and stay positive. Next get atleat 30 minutes of fresh air and exercise everyday. It makes a world of difference. Also learn relaxation techniques from a book or by a CD and do them at least once a day. The same with deep breathing. Do one special thing for yourself a week. I choose massage because it is fantastic for anxiety.
get support from here. Ask questions, ask for help, whatever you need, just never ever google.
We have trained out brains to become this way, we need to train them to be positive again. Wear a rubber band on your wrist, whenever a negative or anxious thought comes into your head snap it very hard. Then replace the thought with something positive.
Most importantly work closely with your doctor to find out the very best treatment plan.
We can and will all beat this!!!!