View Full Version : Painful mouth...its cancer

Cathy V
16-07-08, 02:05
I'm not trying to be rude or arrogent, im trying to make you understand. I wonder how many of the people who have this fear have read this, and how many have avoided it?

Imagine someone who weve been trying to convince for the last 4 months that she only has anxiety. Her symptoms are a sore tongue. shes had all the tests and theyve been negative, but her one fear is mouth cancer. Then someone comes along and reveals that theyve also had a sore tongue and went for tests and found out it was mouth cancer. It happens, just as i know heart disease happens, but how would we then convince the other person that her fears are unfounded?

All im asking is why people with life-threatening illnessess post on health anxiety forums. This site is called nomorepanic? I know that real illness can cause anxiety, but if their illness is causing anxiety, why wouldnt they want to talk about it on forums with ppl who have the same illness? I cant see how i can relate to someone who could post and say "i had a really bad night last night, my heart went into AF and i had to go to hospital to get it going properly again." I can however, relate to someone who says "i had a really bad night last night, my ectopics were so bad i went to the hospital and they sent me home because there was nothing wrong."

They say ignorance is bliss. I might or might not develop heart disease but i dont want to be confronted with the evidence that it might happen to me. I joined this forum to say "phew, im so glad its only anxiety". I came here to be convinced that my heart wont let me down...now im not so sure and i dont feel safe here anymore.

16-07-08, 03:24
Maybe the first step is not to read the posts in health anxiety. Post one if you have a concern but reading up on others is not going to help you one bit. It can be as bad as googling. We are all very scared of some very scary diseases in here. Sometimes reading another ones fears can make you develop the same. Try other areas of the site and when and if you feel stronger come into HA again. The last thing you need is for it to cause you more anxiety.

16-07-08, 05:39
Here is my opinion ...
Everyone has a right to post how anxiety makes them feel whether it be from a real illness or because of something that they feel they may have - they still have the right to post about it and recieve support.
It can't be an objective of the site to filter out posts about "real" illnesses just so people won't have H.A. issues.
If you don't feel comfortable reading about medical issues than don't read posts that contain issues regarding them.
I steer clear of posts regarding cancer because I still have a fear about it.
But that doesn't mean that people who have actually had cancer aren't welcome on the site.
I personally don't believe this site is meant to shield anyone from medical issues. It's supposed to be a supportive site where you can face your fears and eventually perhaps concur them.

16-07-08, 06:32
I read many posts on here about people who think they have a brain tumour I try to allay their fears and tell them not to worry. I know they are worried and want answers.

I do sympathise with them because I know how obsessed I am over the welfare of my Siamese cats. I have a brain tumour as many of you know and this is why I feel in a position to help those who think they might have one also.

16-07-08, 08:59

i can say there is not many threads by people who have a illness as such they may think they have but more times than enough they just think it.
this is a forum about anx yes but if people get an x from a illness they have and need help then so be it .
Cathy i see were your coming from but i dont think there are that many people come on the forum with cancer or anything else as i say most fear it more than anything else .
do what others have said and if you start to read something think it will make you and then stop leave it for someone else who mabe feels they can help or reply

Jodie xx

16-07-08, 10:18
Hiya Cathy,
I know how much all this upsets you, I remember you getting upset before over the AF issue some time ago. I do understand how you feel, although I don't have a specific health anxiety like you I am obviously an anxious person and can put myself in your shoes and get some feeling of how these posts make you feel.
I remember you posting to say that you'd had your heart thoroughly checked by a doctor in Germany? So the fact that there are people out there who do have AF episodes doesn't make any difference at all to your situation. It doesn't make it any more likely that it's going to happen to you. I know this isn't a complete answer, because it doesn't factor in the mystery ingredient... anxiety! But at least you can comfort yourself by saying to yourself 'I have had my heart checked by a doctor, who has told me that these ectopics are nothing to worry about. Therefore the fact that other people on NMP do have organic heart problems is unfortunate for them, but makes absolutely no difference to me and my heart.'
As you know, I have had, in addition to all my anx and related problems, quite a lot of physical problems as well, including major surgery which revealed a three inch tumour (fortunately benign). It's possible that there are people on here who have a surgery or anaesthetic phobia, or who can't bear to hear about tumours, who would find this really upsetting. I hope I haven't upset anyone by my postings. But it's hard to censor what people want to discuss, and often physical and psychological problems overlap anyway... the one feeds the other.
I do sympathise... as you'll remember, I got upset the other day by a post which basically said we should all just pull our socks up! I really got wound up about that, so I can relate to how you're feeling.
Possibly 'real' health problems could be discussed in a new forum, say 'Diagnosed Conditions'? That way the 'Health Anxiety' forum could be reserved for the discussion of pure health anxiety, without any actual diagnosed conditions.
Hope you're feeling better! xxx

16-07-08, 10:32
I do understand what you mean and yes, when I am going through a period of HA it would scare me too.

I haven't read this particular post you are referring to but maybe they thought they were being helpful by saying to the person they should get it checked out instead of worrying about it.

Reply to Samira's post..
"Possibly 'real' health problems could be discussed in a new forum, say 'Diagnosed Conditions'? That way the 'Health Anxiety' forum could be reserved for the discussion of pure health anxiety, without any actual diagnosed conditions"

Eeeek can you imagine, we'd all be on there to check if we'd got the symptoms :D

16-07-08, 10:38
OK, OK, so it wasn't one of my greatest ideas! xxx

Cathy V
16-07-08, 10:51
Thanks guys for your support, and i know i have to get a grip on this fear.

Samira... bless you at least you made me smile :)

Ive left a reply on my 'Freaked out' thread coz having 2 threads is overlapping a bit now....shows you what state i was in! xxxxx

milly jones
16-07-08, 11:16
hugs to everyone who has ha and anything diagnosed

milly xx

16-07-08, 22:00
I don't think anyone has raised this issue before to be honest and I was a bit shocked to read the title and then realise it was just to grab attention about a personal issue.

I will not turn anyone away from NMP just because they have a real illness and it would be naive of us to pretend that every single person on here is only ever diagnosed with anxiety.

I have a real illness that was diagnosed and I had the symptoms a load of people on here have so would it be wrong of me to tell them I have this and it "could" be this and hence to get it checked out?

People that have been diagnosed can also tell us what to watch out for - i.e. if this changes or gets worse, if you feel this etc etc.

I understand these type of posts upset you Cathy but I do not agree that people with real illnesses cannot come on here.

Cathy V
16-07-08, 22:14
Yes thanks nicola...ive already been put in my place over it. Well in fact the opinions were divided, some agree, some dont. I also said 'life-threatening' illnesses, and having heart disease is a serious thing.

However, i do also realise that it is a phobia, and if you had also read my 'freaked out' post you would see that ive accepted that i shouldnt do this and that i have to get to grips with it....and thanked the ppl who responded and gave me advise.

I answer alot of posts on here sensibly and do the best i can to help, but please also remember that i have my own demons too.

As far as your physical illnesses go nic, im well aware of your problems and have also responded best i can to your posts about this too.

Given some of the posts on here sometimes, i wouldnt say my occasional phobic blips are really that bad, and as you know when ppl are in the middle of panic theres not much rational thought. Its only later you feel abit stupid.


16-07-08, 22:18
Thanks for the reply Cathy.

I am sure you can work at your demons too and maybe in time will be able to read such posts that don't freak you out.

Personally I prefer to have all the facts about something so I know what it "could be".

Anyway no need to dwell on this now